Saturday, March 13, 2004

the radio is silent

hey, i'm back.

just finished a couple of webpages, based on the ultra boring topic "Osteoporosis", for the submission next week. Wednesday to be exact.

the rain is falling. really hard. and the thunder roar like nobody's business. it's really crazy out there. people out there if you get to read this. better bring along an/a umbrella next time.

hmm. i guess it's that day again today. when whatever i say to anyone, they are sure to be angry at me. it's just that day again.

realise what a mess my room can be now. worst than last month's. haha. so better do some cleaning up.

rain rain go away.

let the weather be only cloudy and windy.

take care~


i realise, that i have only a memory of 3 seconds...

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