Monday, June 29, 2009

it's a rainy day... again

love rainy days
really do
cool and chilly
makes bed activities more encouraging, motivating and exhausting

and enjoying every bit of it
chill people

enjoy the rain

while i still can


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

rainy mid-week

rain rain go away
come again another day
if not rain till i need to fetch my dear can?
if not ar... ride motorbike wet wet and dangerous leh...

holidays coming to an end - for me
but for those coming back from infected countries
probably another seven days of holiday
good or not? i don't know

see whether the student garang or not lah...

but being kids
probably yes :)

who wouldn't want extended breaks?
after being taken off school for 4 weeks
sure have problem going back to school one
like me, after ns 2 years, zzz to school books already

but still able to cope
able to graduate i hope
shouldn't be a problem
unless something wicked happen

oh well
nothing much on the news
and pretty much the same old boring stomps
time to nap

don't want to waste the perfect weather

go confidently in the direction of your dreams
live the life you have imagined

but i do not have what it takes...