Wednesday, November 05, 2003

insatiable desire

one more to go! haha. tomorrow's paper is Computer Systems. great paper because it's the last paper. bad paper because this subject too many facts le! haha. what to do. computer exists so many so many, and i mean, so many freaking darn years. god damn it.

yup yup. going to study computer systems soon. can't afford the time. i know i'm going to sleep early again. wake up late again. and no time to read anything or memorise anything. hais.

the rain poured down hard. the wind is cold. too cold. she squats there. her fair hands. hardly any signs of rough work on it. no coarse lines. her fair hands stroking the kittens. gentle it seems. gentle it is. lovely it seems. lovely it is. wet is she. no shelter.

the rain continued to pour. harshly.

i need to talk more... it seems....

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