Tuesday, June 01, 2004

i need to know

just reached home not long ago. the clock on my 6610 reflects 2.12am as i finished this sentence. just bathe. feeling refreshed. with my favourite cup filled up with just plain water. i am here. typing my way to bed.

yup. today is my off day. if i didn't get it wrong. haha. i will be in serious trouble if i couldn't get the hang of my shifts.

nah. that wouldn't happen to me. i know my shifts well. and today is jolly well my off day.

i meant yesterday, referring to 31st may 2004.

today, 1st june 2004. i am gonna work like 8 hours from now. a full shift.

my off day? hoho.

tio jio by my bestest friends ar. haha. incredible trip yet again. laugh till i couldn't stand up. although i had a really hard time and an incredible headache, listen up. i admit. you guys really can sing a hell of a time. haha. i am just there to cheer things. haha. i can't sing for god's sake.

wasted another off day? hell no. i think i might just have used up and over-use it as well. haha. i love off days. but i do miss working days at times.

and of course. i miss my poly friends.

and of course. i miss my working friends.

[would be bad not to list them all] hiak hiak..

i need to know why. i need to know the reason. but i gotta admit that this time. i couldn't grab hold of things properly. things ain't working out fine now. i need to know the reason. yet jolly well know that you won't be able to tell me one. it's always "haha" , "ic" , "=/" etc etc. i really don't know what to say already. we are just not conversing. you always appear to be very busy at the other side of the cables and modem. i've always waited. it's alright. =)

on the other point...

i'm being kept seriously occupied. i mean not trying to say that time is not enough. i never believe in that time is not enough. time is forever enough. it's how you manage it.

i didn't manage it properly.

you know, i've always hated to plan things in advance. always that belief "things never ever worked out if you plan it in advance" but it seems. that now i should do a little planning in advance. haha. with work, the schedule seems tighter.

school starts on the 21st june.

chalet will be on da 8th june.

everything else better land on my A shift or the C shift and the day after.

hiak hiak hiak.

i better get to bed. getting the feel.

take care peeps!

looking forward...

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