Sunday, September 28, 2003


woke up to only find out that i have a backache and my left shoudler hurts. well, brand new morning, not going to bother about that when there's something more important. yup, it says 7.30am. i'm going for my morning jog. She's there too. haha. finally, this person that drives me to jogging came into my blog. don't ask me who is she. i don't know.

went to get breakfast for selected members of my family. great morning. HEHEHE. *SMILES* although now, my both shoulders hurts.

no pool today. nothing today. so i just sat infront of my monitor and stare at it for quite some time and then yup, i was chatting my way. HEHEHE.

leg itchy lors. go play ball in the living room. i think i leaned too far back. the ball went flying and hit this buddha model and it feel. the pear-like shape thing cracked. gosh~ what am i to do when my father gets back? don't want to imagine. haha. just carefully place everything in place and hopefully the pear-like shape thing will just blend in on it's own. i don't care. it MUST do so.

tired lors. go and sleep. forget boiling water. one kettle that is full of water become empty with a layer of soot. ( do u call it soot? i dun noe but it's that black stuff la that u find on burger king's beef ) damn~ why am i so screwed up today? now i am in trouble. both, my mum and my dad, is going to kill me. how how how ?


screwed up. you know you know? TOTALLY...
anyway, i'm winter for your info.

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