Friday, February 06, 2004

one message recieved

sometimes i would just give up. but too bad. i didn't. haha. it just ain't me? i would only give up or don't care when i don't see a fucking need for me to continue. but i guess no one will understand. so not a point.

today is so fun. first time, i sit under the sun or rather, i am partially exposed to the sun. and there's no sweat. not a drip. i don't know why. maybe i'm not thinking about anything. not like what i usually do. that's why.

s.h.e is on channel "you" today at 2.30pm. crazy~ i watched it alone. damn terrible. haha. but nevertheless. it's a great show to watch it. even alone.

until today, i've realised how loneliness may seem scary. but i can get on with it. it doesn't really bothers me.

i've realised about the "loneliness" people are talking about. but to me. it's only temporary. look, there are so many friends out there. do something about it man. put those handphones into good use.

i need speakers. desperate in need of one. haha. creative.

i need to get things done. the several datelines(deadlines). the proposals. the reports. so on and so forth. like wow~

today's a crazy day.


take care.


if it's nothing, it have got to be something...

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