Saturday, October 25, 2003

with a swift movement

looking out of the windows rightwards. the first colour i thought of is yellow. haha. drizzling currently. the smell of the drizzling has been defeated by the smell of the shampoo used by ''someone'' above. the scent so nice. abosolutely. this scent won't change a thing. the rackets hanging wouldn't shift. everything is still. this room does and only will contain the swift and smooth typing and the continuous, rapid movement of the Philips blade.

oh ya, not forgetting the blinking line that accompanied the typing as the letters becomes words almost, magically.

today's great. not too warm. not too cold. most of the periods was alright. recalling things as the drizzling gets heavier. haha. rainy weathers are great for one to recall stuffs. while seeing the water drop heavier, faster and harder, it almost resembles that of a movie screen, movie entitled ''memories''

tales were told. smiles were seen. kindness goes a long way. jokes just come and go. tales just leave an impression. smiles are just adjectives to the jokes. it sometimes makes you think furthur than you are supposed to. is the joke, really a joke? will my kindness eventually pay out? are tales lies, truth or just a quick snap of the fingers? haha.

ate KFC. look. whatever, KFC promises that the drumsticks are hot and spicy? forget about it if you are craving for some drastic increase of temperature in your mouth. it will only be spicy if you dip them into chilli sauce. and then, you will feel the heat. haha.

'' hi, may i just take a few minutes? ''
*nod* '' hmmm? ''
'' okay, i'll like to ask you a question... ''
'' yeah ? ''
'' oh ya! by the way, how old are you? are you studying or working ? ''
'' erm, 17 and erm, studying... ''
'' oh~ then never mind. have a good day. ''
walk a few steps...
'' hi, how old are you? are you working or studying? ''
'' erm, i'm 17 and erm, i'm studying... ''
'' oh~ then never mind. have a good day. ''

oh god~

today, feeling okay.

nothing much lers.

the rain stopped.

i think.


from nowhere, i heard a distinct voice... is it you?

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