Tuesday, January 04, 2005

'ma com's down

so yes, that would means i'm disconnected from the world when i'm at home. but who cares right, I CARE. haha. freaking need a repair done soon. by this weekend. definitely.

so yup, i'm now in school. crazy time. like 8:50pm? maybe i should head home. and then i'll feel better. stay in school, also nothing to do. might as well go home, and sleep my ass off.

but being the good 'o me. i stayed back. why. simple 'cos i keep thinking back that i'd have nothing to do. that's why. i'm in school.

okay. i'm going round in circles.

but basically, i don't like to be intruded when i blog.
so you know, try blogging in school, is like letting the Administrator sees this part.
oh ya, she'd better see this part.



if you have any memory of any sort, you'd have tell it came from this movie entitled "meet the fuckers" or fockers. or fuckers. oh nvm. whatever. fuckers fockers. it's one hilarious movie. and of course, happening movie as well.


oh well, thought i can get down to do some project stuffs. but no! i can't... i'm starting to feel stupid and loss-of-memory today.
'cos i simply can't remember what thoughts i have for the day.
and therefore, unable to type it down.

but there's one interesting one.

and i'll like to end with it.

tell me.

why do girls wear jeans? =P

oh well, eyes hurting

good night.

bye for now.

take care.

the music of the night....

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