i'm proud
and yes, i love to boast. muahahahaha.
if anyone believe that, do please drop a comment at the comment(0) there, at the end of this post.
i'd really like to find out. s-e-r-i-o-u-s-l-y
oh yah. let's get back to work.
oh ya! btw, that was the first thought i woke up with today.
hokay hokay, back to the main thing.
look at the sun man. no mercy. for today lah. if i'm going to heaven somehow, when i die, i am bound to slaughter the sun. for the good of man kind. alright, on days as such. hooray! cheers! i'm beginning to hear them. *bow* thank you thank you.
oh well, it wouldn't have been made possible without you all. *smoooooch*
correct huh? there will be no good without the bad, understand this, master this, and you will be like me. make people feel good. don't feel good yourself. be bad. real bad. so that you can help ALOT of others to be really good people. =)
so, be a bad ass today. and yup. if you're SO smart enough from the beginning.
MAKE ME A GOOD PERSON. muahahahaa.
oh well, projects projects projects.
after that? term test, term test term test.
holy shit.
every semester it's always liddat. i kinda miss PBL. but NO~~~ PBL sucks.
so hokay, i'm alright with the routines.
we're all slaves to routines, aren't we?
if you're a chinese, i'm your friend. do say hi to me. if not, i'll say hi to you.
if you're a malay. i won't say hi to you. but if you know me, being nice, please say hi to me.
if you're a indian. i will try to look for you. even if i found you, i wouldn't say hi. and OH PLEASE COME ON, if you know me, DON'T TALK TO ME. you're perfect by doing that.
and just in case, you're in the middle of nowhere. you're my best friend =)
take care peeps.
drink lotsa water today.
and for all it may seem, the pitcher is full...
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