before anything, MERRY CHRISTMAS to one and all. of course, be-lated. but being me, i shan't forget to wish everyone, again, after the day of loving and sharing.
okay, back on track.
it's sunday, and i think i am suppose to work. but i'm working with people that makes me unhappy. so how? simple, don't work loh. bluntly put it, fucking dulan.
let's not spoil things aight? haha.
i reckon, that, one day after christmas would be me reflecting alone at home. think and think and think. then *poof* i'm sleeping.
ya, the hot weather woke me up. i didn't dream. but my pillow's wet. hmm, i wonder why.
perhaps, i took my dreams for real, then those water might be tears then.
nah, let's not go on.
the christmas mood is gone. for my case, nothing seems to bother anymore.
i walked along the streets,
my legs are heavy and sinking down
onto the earth below.
just like quick sand sucking me down.
didn't wanna move on, but had to.
to keep me above the quick sand.
fortunate thing is, i'm not alone.
there's a lot others with me
struggling through.
snow flakes fell, white they seem
but they smell (*pukes*)
snow fell hard and have to avoid them,
of course, with the quick sand beneath me.
and yes, i've came out of the crowd, and the sand, and the disgusting snow.
everything came to a still.
i started to realise those around me.
things i've never noticed before.
they've became more beautiful.
okay, my personal perception.
but they are really beautiful. haha.
found a personal space and lean against something grey,
thought things through, regret many, thankful many, sorrowful many.
the clock strikes,
merry sounds were heard.
Merry Christmas. =)
i don't know if i'm blind,
or i'm clear headed.
i've stepped onto this road, that is deem as wrong
i just stepped out of another, that is deem evil.
gotta go.
cya all.
take care. =)
bring the person you like to your place, see if she likes the books and cds you have...
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