i realise i will need pictures to motivate me to blog. i would like to express thanks to www.sggirls.com for that's where my pictures came from. (i don't want to be sued in anyway ya.) haha. honesty is, yet, another virtue. another boring principle to follow. but well, thanks.
boredom forever lingers around on my off days. october went past, and now november is here. results also came and now the timetable is going to be here. no idea when. but soon enough. yes. soon enough.
off day off day. yes. off day. what did i do. wake up early today, 8.30am to be exact. went to the bank. god. why must there be such a long queue. there you see a young man grumbling about the long queue. and i walk past him, press the red button, took the white paper. took a peek, 9014. i looked at the counter 9012. i smiled.
and that means, yes, i've managed to lose my ATM card, be it grey or blue, 5 times in two months i think. some sort. think it just want to run away from me. but that's it. i'm going to keep it.
salary came. very little. but well. enough. going to check out the story the figures tell.
starting to hate work. sometimes, those really nice people really turns me off. okay la. not people. it's person. but well, just turns me off. and thus, i might hate work. but well, there're still moments, people that are worth to stay. and okay lor, spare that loathsome person. but seeing that person really makes me sian
what to do when i have ten bucks? well, spent five on dinner another five on betting soccer. yup. make the 5 grow into another ten. haha. that's what i am going to do later.
guess that's it.
anything later then say.
i miss you.
no worries for the rest of the day...
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