Monday, May 24, 2004

stay easy and cool

it's so funny how my off day, today, seems to pass so fast. when compared to my working days. haha.

it always looks like it's going to rain out from my window at night. the sky is reddish. but. there's no rain. definitely. if there is. i must be sleeping.

updates on today? i was pulled up early in the morning on a trip to queenstown/queensway. whatever. haha. that place near ikea. pig want to get bottoms, tops and shoes. haha. he's in his one-of-those-shopping mood. i bet he must have taken some setback. if not, must be preparing himself for his annoucement for his results. anyway. it really is one shopping spree.

at the end of everything. we counted how much we spent. realising the way, we swept our POSB NETS greyish sucky card and those outflow of notes. it's something that will make one feel good. that explains to me why some people, when feeling low, tends to spend every cent they have. haha. two of them spent over 200+ in like less than 2 hours? haha. to girls, maybe something common. to guys? only happens when they are in such a state. haha. i don't know. but it is just not common within me.

didn't get much for myself. 1 bottom 1 top. fine enough. haha. i'm not those who gets what the eye catches.

anyway, F.I.R fei er yue tuan album is good. pleasant to fish's ears. haha. do give it a try. it's the grooove. it's chinese.

well, 1 off day. meaning 3 continuous working day before i have another off. kinda balanced? i don't know. haha. but no much feelings already. i just wanna hang out with YOU. haha. get what i mean? right...

visit a couple of blogs as usual. some no updates. some too many updates. some too emotional. some too bored. some too long. and and... haha. yea...

some people just never gets enough of this BGR thingy. i've got this barrier within me already. haha. it get kinda scary if ya know what i mean... haha... anyway, it doesn't really mean much by my previous sentence. it's just that. it seems kinda torturing to some parties when i see it from my point of view. what are they trying to do? make one's life more happening? come on. what is more important than peace and money.? haha. and of course, my dear friends.

good night everybody.

buh bye.

take care.

call me, i'm willing to talk... that is... YOU call ME... =P

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