a love test - animal basis
like duh~ not studying and go do some love test... sort sort... anyway 10.30am tomorrow i declare the start of my holidays.
anyway, the love test is as follows: *the link is provided at the end of it*
1. You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and
2. In the process of courtship, the approach that would make you
feel irresistable is creative, never let you feel bored.
3. The impression you would like to give to your lover is optimistic.
4. You don't like it when your partner is emotional and/or too
moody; and you don't know how to please him/her.
5. The kind of relationship you would like to build with your
partner is one that you care not only about the present but
also the future with your partner, a long-lasting relationship
that you can grow with.
6. You are tolerant; you'll try very hard not to commit adultery.
7. You think of marriage as a precious thing. Once you get married,
you'll treasure it and your partner very much.
8. At this moment, you think of love as a committment for both parties.
take care peeps~
define vinegar and put it alongside with jealousy...
Friday, April 23, 2004
noone knows, noone cares
usual, the weather is still as warm. it has something got to do with the season changes perhaps? summer time.
it's a time before lunch break. it's a time before i start on my study. it's a time when i just need to be this little independent again.
doesn't the title sounds a bit pathetic? haha.
it's been sometime since i last have no clue what i am studying about. alright. in those secondary school days, i've been living in such situation. not knowing what i am studying about. but i thought in poly it would change. now i am facing it again. how? i got good grades because of luck, is that what i can conclude? damn. how pathetic.
people enjoys after 4pm in the afternoon tomorrow. i still have one more paper to go. yet feeling pathetic again. but what to do, gotta pass it. the 3 CUs mean something. have to at least pass it.
heh heh heh, my bill came. and for the first time. it reached its peak. definitely gotta be the peak. haha. was scolded by everyone in the family. great~ and my dad says something so nasty that i don't want to post it right here. it hurts. without him knowing. of course. and i have that attitude of his, right here in my body flowing through the vessels.
it was haunting enough. but these i consider, little setbacks of life. what are big big setbacks? it's defined by me when you are facing dialysis. it's a very big issue to me.
anyway, i'm free always. and from now on.
take care people.
drink lots of water.
go suntan. it's the right period of time to absorb Vitamin D.
love love love~
usual, the weather is still as warm. it has something got to do with the season changes perhaps? summer time.
it's a time before lunch break. it's a time before i start on my study. it's a time when i just need to be this little independent again.
doesn't the title sounds a bit pathetic? haha.
it's been sometime since i last have no clue what i am studying about. alright. in those secondary school days, i've been living in such situation. not knowing what i am studying about. but i thought in poly it would change. now i am facing it again. how? i got good grades because of luck, is that what i can conclude? damn. how pathetic.
people enjoys after 4pm in the afternoon tomorrow. i still have one more paper to go. yet feeling pathetic again. but what to do, gotta pass it. the 3 CUs mean something. have to at least pass it.
heh heh heh, my bill came. and for the first time. it reached its peak. definitely gotta be the peak. haha. was scolded by everyone in the family. great~ and my dad says something so nasty that i don't want to post it right here. it hurts. without him knowing. of course. and i have that attitude of his, right here in my body flowing through the vessels.
it was haunting enough. but these i consider, little setbacks of life. what are big big setbacks? it's defined by me when you are facing dialysis. it's a very big issue to me.
anyway, i'm free always. and from now on.
take care people.
drink lots of water.
go suntan. it's the right period of time to absorb Vitamin D.
love love love~
Thursday, April 22, 2004
two more papers
the weather is darn warm today. i could use some air con. or a few more fans. no half naked. i don't do those things. anyway, i just wanted to get things stated down here before i proceed on to study.
damn pissed off
this was yesterday. didn't knew what was wrong with me yesterday. there is this swelling feeling of a horrible anger. but i doubt people know. so people do hate me. i am getting really really hypocritical. haha.
i guess i just woke up on the wrong side of the mattress. mind you, i sleep on a mattress. haha. with a ridiculous dream. everything just went wrong. except the business accounting 2 paper. fortunately. everything almost went wrong. but the paper was relatively easy except that i just don't seem to remember the format of all those financial reports. that is going to cost me quite a few marks.
then i feel like screaming already. haha. don't know why. i just had this empty empty feeling inside. you know you know? doubt it. i was told that i don't care whether people understands me or not. i don't know if it's true. but i do really not care about things not my business. you want you tell me. i don't do the kpo business unless i want to.
and surprisingly, all the games i played yesterday. i lost them all. name me loser for games. i really think i do.
and i don't talk about all these in real life. hmm. maybe i just don't quite meet the one in real life for me to talk face to face with. it will take some time. so i'd rather state them all out here, and talk to everyone. haha.
ignorance is a blessing.
nothing more nothing less, time to go get the books rotten. i just stacked away my bstats and ba2 papers. taking up so much of a space. hopefully will never touch them again.
take care peeps.
gotta drink more water!
MicRo EcOnOmics~~~
in my conflict management method, avoidance is the only existance...
the weather is darn warm today. i could use some air con. or a few more fans. no half naked. i don't do those things. anyway, i just wanted to get things stated down here before i proceed on to study.
damn pissed off
this was yesterday. didn't knew what was wrong with me yesterday. there is this swelling feeling of a horrible anger. but i doubt people know. so people do hate me. i am getting really really hypocritical. haha.
i guess i just woke up on the wrong side of the mattress. mind you, i sleep on a mattress. haha. with a ridiculous dream. everything just went wrong. except the business accounting 2 paper. fortunately. everything almost went wrong. but the paper was relatively easy except that i just don't seem to remember the format of all those financial reports. that is going to cost me quite a few marks.
then i feel like screaming already. haha. don't know why. i just had this empty empty feeling inside. you know you know? doubt it. i was told that i don't care whether people understands me or not. i don't know if it's true. but i do really not care about things not my business. you want you tell me. i don't do the kpo business unless i want to.
and surprisingly, all the games i played yesterday. i lost them all. name me loser for games. i really think i do.
and i don't talk about all these in real life. hmm. maybe i just don't quite meet the one in real life for me to talk face to face with. it will take some time. so i'd rather state them all out here, and talk to everyone. haha.
ignorance is a blessing.
nothing more nothing less, time to go get the books rotten. i just stacked away my bstats and ba2 papers. taking up so much of a space. hopefully will never touch them again.
take care peeps.
gotta drink more water!
MicRo EcOnOmics~~~
in my conflict management method, avoidance is the only existance...
Sunday, April 18, 2004
early in the morning

You are the Moon card. Entering the Moon we enter
the intuitive and psychic realms. This is the
stuff dreams are made on. And like dreams the
imagery we find here may inspire us or torment
us. Understanding the moon requires looking
within. Our own bodily rhythms are echoed in
this luminary that circles the earth every
month and reflects the sun in its progress.
Listening to those rhythms may produce visions
and lead you towards insight. The Moon is a
force that has legends attached to it. It
carries with it both romance and insanity.
Moonlight reveals itself as an illusion and it
is only those willing to work with the force of
dreams that are able to withstand this
reflective light. Image from: Stevee Postman.
Which Tarot Card Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are the Moon card. Entering the Moon we enter
the intuitive and psychic realms. This is the
stuff dreams are made on. And like dreams the
imagery we find here may inspire us or torment
us. Understanding the moon requires looking
within. Our own bodily rhythms are echoed in
this luminary that circles the earth every
month and reflects the sun in its progress.
Listening to those rhythms may produce visions
and lead you towards insight. The Moon is a
force that has legends attached to it. It
carries with it both romance and insanity.
Moonlight reveals itself as an illusion and it
is only those willing to work with the force of
dreams that are able to withstand this
reflective light. Image from: Stevee Postman.
Which Tarot Card Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
it's under the horoscope section
Financial Forecast: Looking Ahead
an article from the world wide web
As we begin to think about spring, it may be time to check into our financial forecasts. Store those sweaters and put away the heavy coats! Look at the flowers coming up outside and think about playing! No doubt, those spring and summer trips are already beginning to tug at your senses, not to mention all the new fashions in bright, alluring colors! If money is on your mind, here are a few of the tendencies that await you in spring.
An Aries may want to buy what they want when they want it, but as far as your financial situation is concerned, try to stay away from impulse spending. Mercury's retrograde motion may remind you to work on money or personal security issues that have been left pending and can be resolved now. Jupiter, emphasizing prosperity and expansion, moves into your employment area and this means you could earn more if you ask for it.
Your innate love of beauty and all things sensual may have you in all the stores this spring. But Taureans have a practical side, too. When Venus and Mars get together in Gemini, your focus is shifting to your financial security. Try to strike a balance using your Venus ruler. Be aware that the tendency is to give your financial matters the highest priority when spring changes to summer, and so much so that all your relationships could begin to suffer.
With Venus and Mars in your sign, your social instincts are wide awake and you may be tempted to go out all the time, or use any extra cash to further your friendships. In May, the energies shift and you might feel that business and practical matters that you have been neglecting need your full attention now. If you actually devote your time to these matters now, an income opportunity might present itself in May needing an immediate decision. Good luck!
The tendency since March has been dominated by Saturn, presenting you with an opportunity for turning negatives into positives. Your own initiatives are likely to be pivotal in making progress. You may find that money comes most easily when you ask for it in a mature, determined fashion. Although it is much easier for Cancers to give than to receive, think about what you are really worth and don't hesitate to ask.
You could be starting the season by thinking BIG, and talking the same way. In the middle of April, money matters could become rather challenging. You might have to be cautious how you invest and spend your money. Leo natives are the most generous signs of the zodiac and sometimes find it difficult to know where to draw the line. If you are in spending mood now, you will most likely be spending your money for a reason, perhaps to get a new business started. Be careful about impulse spending.
With the start of the spring season, you seem to enjoy a burst of energy. Direct this energy towards financial matters. The planetary alignment favors your focus on a strategy, how to make the most of Jupiter's transit through your sign. The Full Moon in Libra on April 5 could bring you a welcome surprise: A bonus or a work-related windfall. Personal financial security matters and creative ideas how to deal with them, provide a sense of stability.
Beauty-seeking Librans may have their work cut out for them as Venus travels through Aries, their opposite sign, and then moves into Taurus with Mars. This may provide more impetus to spend on things of beauty and comfort. While Neptune, planet of dreams, trines with your Sun, you may not have your feet entirely on the ground. Think about making some long-range savings plan, even if it will be enacted in the future sometime. Your work may be filled with surprises now.
Watery Scorpio can let money slip through his or her fingers pretty easily. When Venus joins Mars in Gemini, they direct your attention to financial matters like investments or joint resources. When the tax madness is over you could be focusing on your personal financial security, with the primary goal to preserve your hard-earned assets. In your business dealings, your acumen and perseverance will bring success.
With the prevailing planetary energy since March, you may find that you are looking for more out of your job, and may decide to take on something more creative or meaningful. Although this proves challenging at the moment, in time, money will follow for this important goal you are developing now. New activities and new opportunities and how you deal with them, will determine how successful you may become over time.
Capricorns are the savers and the planners of the zodiac, and seem to understand money better than the rest of us. One tendency this spring is to direct your attention to long-term planning as a tool that may help you weather the storm when Venus will turn retrograde in Gemini in May. This transit could bring financial complications connected with your work.
Spring began with the temptation of impulse spending on personal pleasures. A challenging aspect from Mars in the income sector of your chart could encourage you to cast caution to the winds. If you need money now, ask for a loan or arrange a trade of services with someone who needs what you do. When Jupiter turns direct in Virgo, financial matters or joint resources may demand your full attention.
The New Moon in Aries in the income area of your chart launched the spring season and made financial matters a top priority. Sociable energies from Venus in April might have you wanting to talk on the phone more than usual, or use that text-message feature a few times too often. Though of course you deserve to have fun, try to leave some cash aside for bills and other monthly responsibilities. Be very cautious about any sure-fire game of getting wealthy that may be proposed to you in April.
Financial Forecast: Looking Ahead
an article from the world wide web
As we begin to think about spring, it may be time to check into our financial forecasts. Store those sweaters and put away the heavy coats! Look at the flowers coming up outside and think about playing! No doubt, those spring and summer trips are already beginning to tug at your senses, not to mention all the new fashions in bright, alluring colors! If money is on your mind, here are a few of the tendencies that await you in spring.
An Aries may want to buy what they want when they want it, but as far as your financial situation is concerned, try to stay away from impulse spending. Mercury's retrograde motion may remind you to work on money or personal security issues that have been left pending and can be resolved now. Jupiter, emphasizing prosperity and expansion, moves into your employment area and this means you could earn more if you ask for it.
Your innate love of beauty and all things sensual may have you in all the stores this spring. But Taureans have a practical side, too. When Venus and Mars get together in Gemini, your focus is shifting to your financial security. Try to strike a balance using your Venus ruler. Be aware that the tendency is to give your financial matters the highest priority when spring changes to summer, and so much so that all your relationships could begin to suffer.
With Venus and Mars in your sign, your social instincts are wide awake and you may be tempted to go out all the time, or use any extra cash to further your friendships. In May, the energies shift and you might feel that business and practical matters that you have been neglecting need your full attention now. If you actually devote your time to these matters now, an income opportunity might present itself in May needing an immediate decision. Good luck!
The tendency since March has been dominated by Saturn, presenting you with an opportunity for turning negatives into positives. Your own initiatives are likely to be pivotal in making progress. You may find that money comes most easily when you ask for it in a mature, determined fashion. Although it is much easier for Cancers to give than to receive, think about what you are really worth and don't hesitate to ask.
You could be starting the season by thinking BIG, and talking the same way. In the middle of April, money matters could become rather challenging. You might have to be cautious how you invest and spend your money. Leo natives are the most generous signs of the zodiac and sometimes find it difficult to know where to draw the line. If you are in spending mood now, you will most likely be spending your money for a reason, perhaps to get a new business started. Be careful about impulse spending.
With the start of the spring season, you seem to enjoy a burst of energy. Direct this energy towards financial matters. The planetary alignment favors your focus on a strategy, how to make the most of Jupiter's transit through your sign. The Full Moon in Libra on April 5 could bring you a welcome surprise: A bonus or a work-related windfall. Personal financial security matters and creative ideas how to deal with them, provide a sense of stability.
Beauty-seeking Librans may have their work cut out for them as Venus travels through Aries, their opposite sign, and then moves into Taurus with Mars. This may provide more impetus to spend on things of beauty and comfort. While Neptune, planet of dreams, trines with your Sun, you may not have your feet entirely on the ground. Think about making some long-range savings plan, even if it will be enacted in the future sometime. Your work may be filled with surprises now.
Watery Scorpio can let money slip through his or her fingers pretty easily. When Venus joins Mars in Gemini, they direct your attention to financial matters like investments or joint resources. When the tax madness is over you could be focusing on your personal financial security, with the primary goal to preserve your hard-earned assets. In your business dealings, your acumen and perseverance will bring success.
With the prevailing planetary energy since March, you may find that you are looking for more out of your job, and may decide to take on something more creative or meaningful. Although this proves challenging at the moment, in time, money will follow for this important goal you are developing now. New activities and new opportunities and how you deal with them, will determine how successful you may become over time.
Capricorns are the savers and the planners of the zodiac, and seem to understand money better than the rest of us. One tendency this spring is to direct your attention to long-term planning as a tool that may help you weather the storm when Venus will turn retrograde in Gemini in May. This transit could bring financial complications connected with your work.
Spring began with the temptation of impulse spending on personal pleasures. A challenging aspect from Mars in the income sector of your chart could encourage you to cast caution to the winds. If you need money now, ask for a loan or arrange a trade of services with someone who needs what you do. When Jupiter turns direct in Virgo, financial matters or joint resources may demand your full attention.
The New Moon in Aries in the income area of your chart launched the spring season and made financial matters a top priority. Sociable energies from Venus in April might have you wanting to talk on the phone more than usual, or use that text-message feature a few times too often. Though of course you deserve to have fun, try to leave some cash aside for bills and other monthly responsibilities. Be very cautious about any sure-fire game of getting wealthy that may be proposed to you in April.
Friday, April 16, 2004
chill out
the atmosphere is less tense now. the air is flowing in and out and in and out. the weather, i could still sense the heat, feel it and as well as being irritated by it.
it's friday. goodness. school ends early. hmm. maybe 11.45am? then went to the lirabry to meet up with my buddy. planned to study business statistics and yup, we did some studying. thanks for the sandwich! =) appreciate it. and i still owe you 80 cents. 10 cent more than the previous.
anyway, budz... my handphone is always available for call-ins =)
i think there's no need to recall what happen onwards. but i reached home at ard. 5+ 6? around there. if you know, leave me a note or something.
hmmm. nothing much to talk about today. just that i just finished my dinner. enjoying the wind from the turning blades at maximum speed it can go. so just took the effort to type here alittle.
summarise alittle.
Business Statistics - alright
Business Accounting 2 - alittle worried
Microeconomics - very worried
Singapore Law - alittle worried.
heh, i'm not studying at the moment. giving myself some extra break. since... 2.30pm. haha.
maybe abit too much. but i'm going to start. seeing the exam schedules, i grinned. it's going to be over so soooon. i'm glad =)
taKe cARe pEePs...
leave a note,
it has something gotta do with the weather to explain for my behaviour...
the atmosphere is less tense now. the air is flowing in and out and in and out. the weather, i could still sense the heat, feel it and as well as being irritated by it.
it's friday. goodness. school ends early. hmm. maybe 11.45am? then went to the lirabry to meet up with my buddy. planned to study business statistics and yup, we did some studying. thanks for the sandwich! =) appreciate it. and i still owe you 80 cents. 10 cent more than the previous.
anyway, budz... my handphone is always available for call-ins =)
i think there's no need to recall what happen onwards. but i reached home at ard. 5+ 6? around there. if you know, leave me a note or something.
hmmm. nothing much to talk about today. just that i just finished my dinner. enjoying the wind from the turning blades at maximum speed it can go. so just took the effort to type here alittle.
summarise alittle.
Business Statistics - alright
Business Accounting 2 - alittle worried
Microeconomics - very worried
Singapore Law - alittle worried.
heh, i'm not studying at the moment. giving myself some extra break. since... 2.30pm. haha.
maybe abit too much. but i'm going to start. seeing the exam schedules, i grinned. it's going to be over so soooon. i'm glad =)
taKe cARe pEePs...
leave a note,
it has something gotta do with the weather to explain for my behaviour...
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
just tell me what to do
and obviously how to do.
i had enough of thinking. though frankly speaking, i am always thinking what to do, what ought to do, what should be done, what is not to be done, what could be done, what is to be done and most importantly. what to be said and not to be said.
let's see what is up for me BASICALLY for this week and next week.
Wednesday 14/3 : Network Multimedia submission and presentation. Lectures. Tutorials.
Thursday 15/3 : Mocked Test for LAW.
Friday 16/3 : Nothing's up particularly on this day. Quite free.
Saturday 17/3 : Refer to yesterday.
Sunday 18/3 : Refer to yesterday.
Monday 19/3 : Name this day. START. Business Statistics EXAM paper.
Tuesday 20/3 : Refer to sunday
Wednesday 21/3 : Business Accounting 2 EXAM paper.
Thursday 22/3 : Refer to Tuesday
Friday 23/3 : Refer to yesterday
Saturday 24/3 : MicroEconomics EXAM paper
Sunday 25/3 : Refer to friday
Monday 26/3 : LAW EXAM paper
hmm. kinda slack eh? nothing much is on.
it's a scary 2 weeks!
oh my fucking god.
i want people to know what i really am...
and obviously how to do.
i had enough of thinking. though frankly speaking, i am always thinking what to do, what ought to do, what should be done, what is not to be done, what could be done, what is to be done and most importantly. what to be said and not to be said.
let's see what is up for me BASICALLY for this week and next week.
Wednesday 14/3 : Network Multimedia submission and presentation. Lectures. Tutorials.
Thursday 15/3 : Mocked Test for LAW.
Friday 16/3 : Nothing's up particularly on this day. Quite free.
Saturday 17/3 : Refer to yesterday.
Sunday 18/3 : Refer to yesterday.
Monday 19/3 : Name this day. START. Business Statistics EXAM paper.
Tuesday 20/3 : Refer to sunday
Wednesday 21/3 : Business Accounting 2 EXAM paper.
Thursday 22/3 : Refer to Tuesday
Friday 23/3 : Refer to yesterday
Saturday 24/3 : MicroEconomics EXAM paper
Sunday 25/3 : Refer to friday
Monday 26/3 : LAW EXAM paper
hmm. kinda slack eh? nothing much is on.
it's a scary 2 weeks!
oh my fucking god.
i want people to know what i really am...
Sunday, April 11, 2004
To save big, dream bigger
Imagination is the key to setting goals that will motivate you to make small sacrifices today for the dreams of tomorrow.
By Mary Rowland
When he was 31, George Kinder fulfilled a longtime dream of vacationing on Maui. For him, the Hawaiian rain forests were even more spectacular than he'd imagined. Now he set a new goal that was to drive his financial planning for the next decade: To spend a good chunk of each year in Hawaii.
It helped that Kinder is a certified public accountant and a financial planner. He saved his money and stretched out his annual Hawaiian vacations each year so that he was spending three, then four, then six weeks of the winter on Maui.
Taking the plunge
In 1991, when he was 43, Kinder made his big move. He decided to spend May through October in Cambridge, Mass., where he has an established practice, and November through April in Hawaii, where he would set up a second practice.
We should all learn a lesson from Kinder. How many times have you read that you should tuck away 10% of your money in a savings account? But to what end? If you view saving simply as the opposite of spending, how could you commit to it? It’s punitive rather than rewarding.
To save, you need a goal. Setting goals is both the heart of financial planning and its most difficult task. It requires that you really stretch your mind and think about how you could create a life that’s fulfilling. Look inside yourself and reach for your dreams. That is tough stuff.Fast and easy.
"It's much easier to focus on short-term crises and to solve immediate problems," says Stanley H. Breitbard, a financial planner in Los Angeles. "Defining your dreams is the hardest thing to do in life."
Teaching others to do the same
As for Kinder, he says that a couple of years of living the life he chose for himself have changed his approach to planning. Rather than harping on the virtues of saving for its own sake, he now sees his job as helping clients realize their dreams.
This is one of the questions he asks every new client: "If you died tomorrow, what would you most regret not having done?" He urges clients to think in broad terms about what freedom means to them and how they might accomplish it.
Here are six areas to think about:
Family. What kind of family life do you want? Do you want children? How many? How much and what kind of time do you want to spend with your family?
Home. Where do you want to live? What's most important to you in a home -- size, outdoor space, beach, mountains, city, nearby theaters, sports, a garden, a pool?
Education. What do you want to learn about? What do you need to learn about? Make a list of skills that will help you in your job and a list of things that will enrich your life.
Career. Most people say they set out to have one career and then, by happenstance, ended up in something entirely different. It's important to be flexible. But what is it that you most like to do? What do you do best? Ask a dozen people what they consider your most important skills. Think about how you might weave those skills into your career.
Transitions. We read all the time about how Americans don't save enough for retirement. But most Americans working today won't stop working in the way today's retirees did. Instead, they'll face a transition from one type of work to another.
Younger people face transitions, too, when they have children or perhaps if a job disappears. Plan for these transitions. If you dream of having your own business, focus on how you might accomplish it.
Risks. Being risk averse is a luxury no one can afford in today's world. Life is about risks. Taking them on forces you to stretch out and think about yourself in a new way.
Consider Roseann Sheridan, owner of Sheridan Research, a marketing firm in New York, and a former actress who had not been on the stage for 15 years. A couple of years ago, Sheridan decided to turn away some of her clients to gain enough free time to write and perform a one-woman show because she felt she had lost something of herself over the years.
Although she didn't regret giving up acting to create a more stable home and financial life, “all of a sudden I was doing something I hadn't really chosen to do," Sheridan said. “I ended up sidestepping my dream."
Her show's three-day run resulted in several additional engagements and an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.
See yourself meeting your goal
Once you've identified your dreams, visualize yourself in them to help provide discipline for saving.
Katharine McGee, a financial planner in Davenport, Ind., likens it to taking a vacation. “When you begin to talk about your vacation, when you get the travel literature and read about the places you will go and the things you will do, that's when you visualize your goal and it becomes real to you."
And that's when it stops hurting to save money.
McGee suggests to clients that they use the same process with saving. “You have to be saving your money for something you can visualize," McGee says. If it's a new house, begin to draw up plans for what it will look like. “You might even put up pictures of your dreams on your refrigerator."
Follow through on your dream
Of course, once you’ve set the goal, you have to actually do it. First, you have to determine how much money you’re going to need and how long you plan to save for it. If it’s for your dream vacation, it may only take a year or two. If it’s for a new home or car, it may take five years or more. And if it’s so your children can attend college or so you can spend your retirement years with Kinder in Maui, it may take 20 years or longer.
Sit down with your personal financial management program or with a pad and paper and sketch out what it will take. Consider the types of interest rates you might receive, depending on how you save. If it’s in a passbook savings account, assume a very low rate of return. You might consider certificates of deposit or money-market accounts that offer higher yields but are still safe -- and often government-backed -- investments.
A painless way to save
The longer you plan to save for your goal, the more able you’ll be to save with higher-yielding but riskier types of investments. If you have only a very small amount of money, start with a savings account that doesn’t require a minimum investment. Or you might try investing in mutual funds that allow you to invest a small sum, say $50 or $100 a month. And if you plan on saving for several years, jump into the stock market once your funds have grown, picking a portfolio of mutual funds that meet your needs. Either way, you must discipline yourself to set that money aside each month, week or quarter.
Then enjoy the benefits of your efforts.
stop school, start dreaming
Imagination is the key to setting goals that will motivate you to make small sacrifices today for the dreams of tomorrow.
By Mary Rowland
When he was 31, George Kinder fulfilled a longtime dream of vacationing on Maui. For him, the Hawaiian rain forests were even more spectacular than he'd imagined. Now he set a new goal that was to drive his financial planning for the next decade: To spend a good chunk of each year in Hawaii.
It helped that Kinder is a certified public accountant and a financial planner. He saved his money and stretched out his annual Hawaiian vacations each year so that he was spending three, then four, then six weeks of the winter on Maui.
Taking the plunge
In 1991, when he was 43, Kinder made his big move. He decided to spend May through October in Cambridge, Mass., where he has an established practice, and November through April in Hawaii, where he would set up a second practice.
We should all learn a lesson from Kinder. How many times have you read that you should tuck away 10% of your money in a savings account? But to what end? If you view saving simply as the opposite of spending, how could you commit to it? It’s punitive rather than rewarding.
To save, you need a goal. Setting goals is both the heart of financial planning and its most difficult task. It requires that you really stretch your mind and think about how you could create a life that’s fulfilling. Look inside yourself and reach for your dreams. That is tough stuff.Fast and easy.
"It's much easier to focus on short-term crises and to solve immediate problems," says Stanley H. Breitbard, a financial planner in Los Angeles. "Defining your dreams is the hardest thing to do in life."
Teaching others to do the same
As for Kinder, he says that a couple of years of living the life he chose for himself have changed his approach to planning. Rather than harping on the virtues of saving for its own sake, he now sees his job as helping clients realize their dreams.
This is one of the questions he asks every new client: "If you died tomorrow, what would you most regret not having done?" He urges clients to think in broad terms about what freedom means to them and how they might accomplish it.
Here are six areas to think about:
Family. What kind of family life do you want? Do you want children? How many? How much and what kind of time do you want to spend with your family?
Home. Where do you want to live? What's most important to you in a home -- size, outdoor space, beach, mountains, city, nearby theaters, sports, a garden, a pool?
Education. What do you want to learn about? What do you need to learn about? Make a list of skills that will help you in your job and a list of things that will enrich your life.
Career. Most people say they set out to have one career and then, by happenstance, ended up in something entirely different. It's important to be flexible. But what is it that you most like to do? What do you do best? Ask a dozen people what they consider your most important skills. Think about how you might weave those skills into your career.
Transitions. We read all the time about how Americans don't save enough for retirement. But most Americans working today won't stop working in the way today's retirees did. Instead, they'll face a transition from one type of work to another.
Younger people face transitions, too, when they have children or perhaps if a job disappears. Plan for these transitions. If you dream of having your own business, focus on how you might accomplish it.
Risks. Being risk averse is a luxury no one can afford in today's world. Life is about risks. Taking them on forces you to stretch out and think about yourself in a new way.
Consider Roseann Sheridan, owner of Sheridan Research, a marketing firm in New York, and a former actress who had not been on the stage for 15 years. A couple of years ago, Sheridan decided to turn away some of her clients to gain enough free time to write and perform a one-woman show because she felt she had lost something of herself over the years.
Although she didn't regret giving up acting to create a more stable home and financial life, “all of a sudden I was doing something I hadn't really chosen to do," Sheridan said. “I ended up sidestepping my dream."
Her show's three-day run resulted in several additional engagements and an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.
See yourself meeting your goal
Once you've identified your dreams, visualize yourself in them to help provide discipline for saving.
Katharine McGee, a financial planner in Davenport, Ind., likens it to taking a vacation. “When you begin to talk about your vacation, when you get the travel literature and read about the places you will go and the things you will do, that's when you visualize your goal and it becomes real to you."
And that's when it stops hurting to save money.
McGee suggests to clients that they use the same process with saving. “You have to be saving your money for something you can visualize," McGee says. If it's a new house, begin to draw up plans for what it will look like. “You might even put up pictures of your dreams on your refrigerator."
Follow through on your dream
Of course, once you’ve set the goal, you have to actually do it. First, you have to determine how much money you’re going to need and how long you plan to save for it. If it’s for your dream vacation, it may only take a year or two. If it’s for a new home or car, it may take five years or more. And if it’s so your children can attend college or so you can spend your retirement years with Kinder in Maui, it may take 20 years or longer.
Sit down with your personal financial management program or with a pad and paper and sketch out what it will take. Consider the types of interest rates you might receive, depending on how you save. If it’s in a passbook savings account, assume a very low rate of return. You might consider certificates of deposit or money-market accounts that offer higher yields but are still safe -- and often government-backed -- investments.
A painless way to save
The longer you plan to save for your goal, the more able you’ll be to save with higher-yielding but riskier types of investments. If you have only a very small amount of money, start with a savings account that doesn’t require a minimum investment. Or you might try investing in mutual funds that allow you to invest a small sum, say $50 or $100 a month. And if you plan on saving for several years, jump into the stock market once your funds have grown, picking a portfolio of mutual funds that meet your needs. Either way, you must discipline yourself to set that money aside each month, week or quarter.
Then enjoy the benefits of your efforts.
stop school, start dreaming
Saturday, April 10, 2004
take da initiative
How to get her to ask you out
By Jim Sulski
Jack is one of those guys who have a hard time with rejection. Problem was he had a mile-wide crush on Janet, a co-worker.
And although he knew Janet wasn't involved in a relationship, Jack was reluctant to ask her out. "It would be bad enough that she turned me down let alone have the whole office know that she turned me down," he said.
So Jack decided to shift to a different strategy: He would get Janet to ask him out.
First, in his casual conversations with Janet, he let her know that he had broken it off with his recent girlfriend. Next, he made it clear that his Saturday nights as of late were usually spent alone. Then, he started dropping hints about how much he loved Indian food, something he knew Janet also had a passion for.
"Finally, she took the bait," Jack says. "She asked if I'd like to have dinner with her at a new Indian restaurant in town."
The Vindaloo was excellent, the date went well, and the two continued seeing each other. No rejection for Jack.
With a bit of strategizing, it's not hard to get a woman to ask you out, say those guys that have done it.
"It's somewhat of a challenge because it goes against the grain of the dating game," says Bill, an accountant. "But if you give a woman the right signals, things can happen."
Here's how:
Send information down the pipeline
Just like high school, word still travels fast when someone has a crush on someone else. "I let a mutual friend on my volleyball team know that I thought Cindy, another player, was cute," Bill says. "And the next time we got together after a game, she sat next to me. That night, she suggested we go to dinner."
Make her jealous
The idea of competition can motivate some women to act. Try this: point out that someone you don't really care much for has asked you out. You normally wouldn't go out with this woman, but your social calendar has been fairly empty. Then, sit back and see what happens.
Point out a "void" in your life
Don't sound desperate but make it clear that because of job commitments, work, family, etc., your social calendar has been on the dry side lately.
For Rich, an ad salesman, it was suggesting to Lisa that he had "nowhere to go" on Super Bowl Sunday and, worse yet, no cable. "She suggested that I bring over a six pack to her place and we watch the game together," he says. "We were intimate by half time."
Joke about getting together and see what happens
"I told Mary that she would have to buy me dinner for helping her finish her report," says Brad, a corporate executive. "Surprisingly, she said she would."
At first, Brad thought the dinner date was platonic but soon realized that Mary found him attractive. "She's a wonderful woman and a very desirable woman," he says. "Now, I'm thinking about joking that she asks to marry me."
only one woman does it all...
How to get her to ask you out
By Jim Sulski
Jack is one of those guys who have a hard time with rejection. Problem was he had a mile-wide crush on Janet, a co-worker.
And although he knew Janet wasn't involved in a relationship, Jack was reluctant to ask her out. "It would be bad enough that she turned me down let alone have the whole office know that she turned me down," he said.
So Jack decided to shift to a different strategy: He would get Janet to ask him out.
First, in his casual conversations with Janet, he let her know that he had broken it off with his recent girlfriend. Next, he made it clear that his Saturday nights as of late were usually spent alone. Then, he started dropping hints about how much he loved Indian food, something he knew Janet also had a passion for.
"Finally, she took the bait," Jack says. "She asked if I'd like to have dinner with her at a new Indian restaurant in town."
The Vindaloo was excellent, the date went well, and the two continued seeing each other. No rejection for Jack.
With a bit of strategizing, it's not hard to get a woman to ask you out, say those guys that have done it.
"It's somewhat of a challenge because it goes against the grain of the dating game," says Bill, an accountant. "But if you give a woman the right signals, things can happen."
Here's how:
Send information down the pipeline
Just like high school, word still travels fast when someone has a crush on someone else. "I let a mutual friend on my volleyball team know that I thought Cindy, another player, was cute," Bill says. "And the next time we got together after a game, she sat next to me. That night, she suggested we go to dinner."
Make her jealous
The idea of competition can motivate some women to act. Try this: point out that someone you don't really care much for has asked you out. You normally wouldn't go out with this woman, but your social calendar has been fairly empty. Then, sit back and see what happens.
Point out a "void" in your life
Don't sound desperate but make it clear that because of job commitments, work, family, etc., your social calendar has been on the dry side lately.
For Rich, an ad salesman, it was suggesting to Lisa that he had "nowhere to go" on Super Bowl Sunday and, worse yet, no cable. "She suggested that I bring over a six pack to her place and we watch the game together," he says. "We were intimate by half time."
Joke about getting together and see what happens
"I told Mary that she would have to buy me dinner for helping her finish her report," says Brad, a corporate executive. "Surprisingly, she said she would."
At first, Brad thought the dinner date was platonic but soon realized that Mary found him attractive. "She's a wonderful woman and a very desirable woman," he says. "Now, I'm thinking about joking that she asks to marry me."
only one woman does it all...
Friday, April 09, 2004
my name is fish
there was never a difference from any other kids when i was small. i grew up normally, i dare to say. my performance in school was exceptionally brilliant. my father, rather my whole family is proud of me.
when i was small, one thing always never failed to puzzled me. i didn't have a mother. everyone, every classmate, every teacher has a mother. but me. i only have a father. although there are many others present in the house, my uncle, my auntie, the butler and his wife. and another woman. one which i never take notice of.
when i grew older. i learnt how to count days. i counted how long will i see this woman. every week. only once. and she only comes by during dinner time. she would pick a seat beside me and help me get the vegetables. there's so many of it; i just get so annoyed. until one fine dinner, i stood up and scowled at her" I DON'T WANT!"
the atmosphere is tense. everone is scared that i might just eat her up. sensing the tense atmosphere is caused by me, i got more irritated. my father took charge. he ordered the woman to leave. and everyone to continue eating.
from then on, i notice the woman is living in my place. the only difference is that. she locks herself up in the room. she seems to hate the living room. occasionally, she would like to take a peep or two at me through the very tiny window space that is the only linkage from my room to hers. i hate it when people do things like a thief. afraid to be spotted by human.
and i keep telling myself, everything will soon be over...
there was never a difference from any other kids when i was small. i grew up normally, i dare to say. my performance in school was exceptionally brilliant. my father, rather my whole family is proud of me.
when i was small, one thing always never failed to puzzled me. i didn't have a mother. everyone, every classmate, every teacher has a mother. but me. i only have a father. although there are many others present in the house, my uncle, my auntie, the butler and his wife. and another woman. one which i never take notice of.
when i grew older. i learnt how to count days. i counted how long will i see this woman. every week. only once. and she only comes by during dinner time. she would pick a seat beside me and help me get the vegetables. there's so many of it; i just get so annoyed. until one fine dinner, i stood up and scowled at her" I DON'T WANT!"
the atmosphere is tense. everone is scared that i might just eat her up. sensing the tense atmosphere is caused by me, i got more irritated. my father took charge. he ordered the woman to leave. and everyone to continue eating.
from then on, i notice the woman is living in my place. the only difference is that. she locks herself up in the room. she seems to hate the living room. occasionally, she would like to take a peep or two at me through the very tiny window space that is the only linkage from my room to hers. i hate it when people do things like a thief. afraid to be spotted by human.
and i keep telling myself, everything will soon be over...
the word "mother" has never ever existed in the living room of the humble household. for one women, who is unable to let the other members feel her existance as a "mother", does she deserve any feelings at all?
Tonight. the moonlight. shone generously.
i knocked on my father's door, with fear in heart, courage in appearance. i told him,"
i'd not want to see that women again."
i did not make any justification. my father didn't expect any. however, i continued," if this goes on, i might... i might... i might go crazy and just eat her up."
his expressions has gone beyond what words could describe. the shock. the guilt. the very long sigh..."what ought to happen, had happened." he hesitated. but went on,"it shouldn't be forced."
i waited. he stopped. i saw his vision narrowing on himself. the eyeballs thin. the hair grew longer and longer. the claws came out beyond that flesh on his hands.
my father waved his hands, requesting my leave.
i walked out his room, like a human...
[ to be continued... i need to go for a soccer session... be back later to update and get new ideas... take care people... love ya =) ]
if you say "i love you", make sure you fucking mean it...
the word "mother" has never ever existed in the living room of the humble household. for one women, who is unable to let the other members feel her existance as a "mother", does she deserve any feelings at all?
Tonight. the moonlight. shone generously.
i knocked on my father's door, with fear in heart, courage in appearance. i told him,"
i'd not want to see that women again."
i did not make any justification. my father didn't expect any. however, i continued," if this goes on, i might... i might... i might go crazy and just eat her up."
his expressions has gone beyond what words could describe. the shock. the guilt. the very long sigh..."what ought to happen, had happened." he hesitated. but went on,"it shouldn't be forced."
i waited. he stopped. i saw his vision narrowing on himself. the eyeballs thin. the hair grew longer and longer. the claws came out beyond that flesh on his hands.
my father waved his hands, requesting my leave.
i walked out his room, like a human...
[ to be continued... i need to go for a soccer session... be back later to update and get new ideas... take care people... love ya =) ]
if you say "i love you", make sure you fucking mean it...
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
e-mail of the day
read on...
Guys drink to forget about the girl...
Girls drink to think back about the guy...
When guys are in love, they become poor...
When girls are in love, they become pretty...
Guys can forget, but cannot forgive...
Girls can forgive, but cannot forget...
Guys care the most about the quantity of love...
Girls care the most about the quality of love..
Guys break-up when they feel love from another Girl...
Girls break-up when they feel the feeling of Separation from her man...
Guys feel curiosity towards all girls...
Girls feel curiosity towards guys who are interested in her..
When guys are heartbroken, they try to forget about the girl by going out with another girl...
When girls are heartbroken, they try to find his characteristics from another guy...
Guys wish to be her first love....
Girls wish to be his last love...
if you read it before, no harm reading it again...
read on...
Guys drink to forget about the girl...
Girls drink to think back about the guy...
When guys are in love, they become poor...
When girls are in love, they become pretty...
Guys can forget, but cannot forgive...
Girls can forgive, but cannot forget...
Guys care the most about the quantity of love...
Girls care the most about the quality of love..
Guys break-up when they feel love from another Girl...
Girls break-up when they feel the feeling of Separation from her man...
Guys feel curiosity towards all girls...
Girls feel curiosity towards guys who are interested in her..
When guys are heartbroken, they try to forget about the girl by going out with another girl...
When girls are heartbroken, they try to find his characteristics from another guy...
Guys wish to be her first love....
Girls wish to be his last love...
if you read it before, no harm reading it again...
Sunday, April 04, 2004
since i have the time
why not for another post of TODAY? haha.
actually, i wanted to do my business accounting tutorial now. for about fifteen minutes before i leave for a destination, say, two mrt stops away from here. but i take a look. i was turned off. assuming my fixed factor is my computer, why shouldn't i blog to make my new blogskin more ready for the month of april.
people are so distracting. much more distracting than things. they distract you in the heart. unlike the things, which do so in your mind. i would rather be distracted in my mind. not the heart.
i shall go distract my mind from work now.
the chatbox has been taken away. what is left is a little link at the end of each post. ya.
take care~
i'd want to die early... ASAP~
why not for another post of TODAY? haha.
actually, i wanted to do my business accounting tutorial now. for about fifteen minutes before i leave for a destination, say, two mrt stops away from here. but i take a look. i was turned off. assuming my fixed factor is my computer, why shouldn't i blog to make my new blogskin more ready for the month of april.
people are so distracting. much more distracting than things. they distract you in the heart. unlike the things, which do so in your mind. i would rather be distracted in my mind. not the heart.
i shall go distract my mind from work now.
the chatbox has been taken away. what is left is a little link at the end of each post. ya.
take care~
i'd want to die early... ASAP~
white shirt with orange printings
name this day. Action.
the day where the supposedly big event is going to take place. but running around islandwide have let other singaporeans took curious stares at us. call it a big event within the campus then. hardly anyone out there knew what this Bonkers III is all about.
7 basic stations. 2 "a-must" pit stops with impossible missions. 1 bonus station. all around singapore. completed it in about 7 hours. the winner did it in 5 hours. make a guess how they did it.
Where the street and bus directory definitely prove their every cent; saving time is the ultimate goal. Where those people wearing red shirts are showing their authority to the whites; taking photo is a must. Where missions almost seem impossible; taxi drivers are a great help. Where the heat is on, the rain has fallen; everything boils down to nothing.
what about the team?
GREAT. spelt as G.R.E.A.T. had tremendous fun.
didn't know she was such a fantastic perfomer. trying to show words just by actions. (ok la, don't know how to spell the name of the game)
wasn't aware till that day. the term "kind-hearted" has never been near me. it was near him.
try telling me about leadership, planning etc etc. this guy has almost done it all.
let's just say i recalled no accomplishments done by me. =P
sorry lar....
many many many words. don't want to say it all out here.
tired tired tired.
Arsenal LOST. freaky. Man Utd won 1-0 with a classic movement.
up early at 5am. Went to swept graves behind Raffles Institution.
did nothing till now. haha. i suppose.
just a note:
why can't people just tell me what to do straight in the face. must go around the world 2 times then let me know myself is it?
i hate naggings.
if i want you to know, i will let you know. if i don't, go fuck yourself in a corner.
don't hate me.
if it's all about love, it will have to be a she...
name this day. Action.
the day where the supposedly big event is going to take place. but running around islandwide have let other singaporeans took curious stares at us. call it a big event within the campus then. hardly anyone out there knew what this Bonkers III is all about.
7 basic stations. 2 "a-must" pit stops with impossible missions. 1 bonus station. all around singapore. completed it in about 7 hours. the winner did it in 5 hours. make a guess how they did it.
Where the street and bus directory definitely prove their every cent; saving time is the ultimate goal. Where those people wearing red shirts are showing their authority to the whites; taking photo is a must. Where missions almost seem impossible; taxi drivers are a great help. Where the heat is on, the rain has fallen; everything boils down to nothing.
what about the team?
GREAT. spelt as G.R.E.A.T. had tremendous fun.
didn't know she was such a fantastic perfomer. trying to show words just by actions. (ok la, don't know how to spell the name of the game)
wasn't aware till that day. the term "kind-hearted" has never been near me. it was near him.
try telling me about leadership, planning etc etc. this guy has almost done it all.
let's just say i recalled no accomplishments done by me. =P
sorry lar....
many many many words. don't want to say it all out here.
tired tired tired.
Arsenal LOST. freaky. Man Utd won 1-0 with a classic movement.
up early at 5am. Went to swept graves behind Raffles Institution.
did nothing till now. haha. i suppose.
just a note:
why can't people just tell me what to do straight in the face. must go around the world 2 times then let me know myself is it?
i hate naggings.
if i want you to know, i will let you know. if i don't, go fuck yourself in a corner.
don't hate me.
if it's all about love, it will have to be a she...
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