Thursday, December 25, 2003

Merry Christmas!

Morning! everyone's out to work already. haha. cool rite. alone at home. again. yawnz. woke up like 8.46am. wow. queer timing isn't it? haha. no la. my hp rang. stupid friend. haha. but he's a good friend ^^ so i woke up and found myself engaging in some online stuffs. and was done by now. around 11.30 ? hmm. i don't know. but that's how i guess i'm gonna spend my christmas morning. :X

so. Christmas. what's the first thing i did on the 25th of december? guess! haha. nah. i took a bathe on 12.10am 25th dec. haha. that's the first thing i did. excluding the sms trying to be sent around. haha. yup.

morning~! good gracious. no breakfast! die. haha. no la. gonna get it soon. after a few surfing of things online. yup. don't tell you what i surfing lei! :X think dirty and you might get a clue. haha.


a hungry man is an angry man.


gotta go i guess.

be back soon!

miss you.

take care!



it's always like this, isn't it?
i'm going to be evil...

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