everything's getting messy already. haha. face it man. a couple of projects in hand, and the dateline is forever so short. my room got tidy and untidy again. things were laying around again. how to invite people over ? gosh~
school is fun today!
had about four hours of the SAME lesson. what have i got to say ? it stinks! god damn it. and furthur more, she went to complain. i believe she is the only one doing so. what is it that we have done to make her feel so negative? just because we have more chinese? i doubt so. serious~
crack a number of jokes today (LOL!) and the rest of the things went smoothly. i supposed. assignments and all sorts of outline were completed. now is the teacher's turn to meddle with our work. do i care ? no.
almost a repetition of yesterday. it rained! and almost exactly the time when i am heading home. got up the bus. as usual, abit squeezy. got down the bus, rain started. drenched lors. hais. what have i got to say ?
slept and wake up about now, and blogging. haha. i guess i am trying my best to do this everyday. *prays* i might be getting a FLU. look hard. it's FLU. not SARS.
i must really say that the person who is affected with this SARS thingy is definitely a loser. singapore, always the first. the first to impose something really effective. the first to be affected after they have predicted that SARS might rise again. so hurting. haha. anyway... _|_ SARS...
what have i done wrong today? :(
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