Basically, nothing have changed since the previous post.
Everything, much flowed in a cyclical manner.
From breakfast, to lunch, to dinner.
To library, Back and Forth.
Till today, i'm still waiting.
For the one that worth the time.
And all the effort.
I just want to see her, again.
Surprises, are everywhere possible, it seems.
But there has to be people doing it.
And, in anycase,
If there is no one doing it, it can just be your luck.
And my luck? it suck.
Just got to be the massive reading that i have done.
Some chinese thing that goes, "du shu", gamble with your luck, and lose.
And i lost, pathetically.
In any case, i still believe.
That many occurrences, are much by chances.
And the many things that we do.
We must have faith.
God bless one and all of us.
just like any book,
this is for my beautiful,
the one and only.
Love, fish
The Perfect Couples.
[Chapter 1]
I was watching her. Like always. I leaned against the door of our bedroom. My hands inside the pockets of my shorts. I frowned. I hate the thought of us being apart.
I just stood in silence as she filled her suitcase, occasionally taking a sip of Ice Mountain, chilled, her favourite.
"Don't go."
She turned with a loving smile. "You know i have to. You know i hate this too."
"But i already miss you. Just say no. Don't go. To hell with them."
There was a short pause.
"You know i could tie you up and keep you from leaving," i said jokingly.
"That sounds like fun," she played along. She lifted her suitcase, as if searching for something.
"But first, help me find my light green cardigan? It's my favourite, you know."
"Do you mean the one that's in the cupboard?"
She laughed. "So you were dressing up in my clothes, weren't you?"
She headed for the cupboard, with white sliding doors. When she returned, a green cardigan in hand, I had smooth to the bed. I stared at her with a grin and a sparkle twinkle twinkle in my eye.
"Uh-oh, i know that look," she said.
"Huh? What look?"
as if.
"The look that say you want a leaving-present."
She thought for a moment before flashing a grin. She dropped the cardigan on a chair and walked up to me, purposefully just centimeters from my body.
She was wearing only her bra and panties.
"From me to you," she whispered in my ear, leaning in.
There wasn't much to unwrap, but i took my time anyway. Gently, i kisssed her neck, then her shoulders, tracing an imaginary line downward. Lingering at each part of her body. One hand stroking her body, the other reaching around to unwrap whatever's on top.
Cute, funny and very good in bed. What more could a girl ask for.
Then kisses to the stomach, around the belly button. Then, with a thumb resting on either side of her hips, he began to roll down her panties. Kiss after kiss after kiss.
"That's... very... nice...," she whispered.
The rest followed. For a few seconds, we stood still. Perfectly Naked. Gazing at each other.
God, what could be better than this?
Suddenly, she burst out in laughter. She gave me a shove, and I fell back onto the bed. A prodigious human sundial lying there.
She reached into her suitcase and removed a black Samuel & Kelvin belt, pulling it with both hands.
"Now, what was that about tying somebody up?" she asked.
No offence to anyone.
There should not be any coincidences at all.
If there is, you have a great life.
And boy, god is on your side.
and yes, this took me about 5 days, maybe more, for such a short prose.
sign off.