yawnz! b.o.r.e.d. haha. saw someone post this as channel topic a couple of days ago. yup. that's the way to describe today. TODAY is SUNDAY. yup. like any other days. only this day is abit more special. this day is also noted as television day. haha. where one or rather, me, just sits in front of the television set and get occupied with the television programmes on air. haha. sounds busy. but it is boring. yawnzzx.
so what if today is sunday. so what?! haha. big deal right? it's still in the holidays. not as if tomorrow got school or what. but i am the filial one today. or rather just acting it out purely because of guilt. haha. snapped up a couple of dishes as lunch for my mum. she's off today yup. and tidied the entire house. and so on and so forth. haha. tired. phew. so many chores i have completed. once in a blue moon. haha. lacking of the stamina already.
no wonder they call it good exercise. yup.
wah lau. really is regret lors. never say a proper goodbye. although i never like to say goodbyes. haha. don't know lei. just feel so abit sad never wish you bye bye, good luck that kinda thing. although i know you'll be back. but! still. i must cure this guilt. maybe that's why i helped out with the chores. haha. okok. TAKE CARE. yup. that settles it. haha. i'll tell u to come over here and look. okok. promises. that your next trip i will sure say I MISS YOU. haha. really lar.
okok. enough of singlish.
so how are you today?
hope so.
that's all for today. yup.
nothing much is there for me to crap today.
no that so-called-inspiration.
i love clouds.
take care..!
Let the beloved go...
Saturday, November 29, 2003
i've gave half of everything away
how to start? hmm. nothing to motivate me to blog today. never mind. i'll just start.
just wake up. droopy feeling. abit of a headache coming up. i don't care. haha. what's the point? i don't know how to prevent it from coming. if it feels like coming, i'll just ignore it.
the weather,now, abit of warmth amongst the coldness. maybe it ain't that cold. but i've just woke up. so i felt the cold. haha. but the sun is shining out there. i think it will be a hot day. a wonderful day to stay indoors, in a mall perhaps. but it's saturday. or maybe an air con room.
reviewed through those emails sent to me and those i've kept. nice emails i must say. haha. my selections. yup. and mostly were about love, about friends, about your attitude and stuffs. kind of helped me with reflecting on myself through these emails. sounds spastic. haha. but really. make me realise how full of shit i am. and far from being this saint we ought to be. haha.
yup. thanks for the email. grateful.
need to go get breakfast already. no breakfast, how to go on with the rest of the day? haha. hmm. the headache's coming. 'cause there's no breakfast. haha. okie okie. i'll go get something. geeezx.
this battle, i've lost.
and i'll never win again.
this is wrong.
this is not right.
radio is a nice companion.
almost perfect if there's no hissings.
the clouds today are nice.
i love clouds.
so nice!
heard on the radio yesterday.
a song.
with this particular lyrics.
bei ai shi xing fu, ai ren shi tong ku.
(being love by someone is a blessing, loving someone is hell of a pain.)
thought i saw it on someone's web but can't remember who's.
so i just put it here. so i can refer to it again.
sometime later.
breakfast here i come!
you are everything...
how to start? hmm. nothing to motivate me to blog today. never mind. i'll just start.
just wake up. droopy feeling. abit of a headache coming up. i don't care. haha. what's the point? i don't know how to prevent it from coming. if it feels like coming, i'll just ignore it.
the weather,now, abit of warmth amongst the coldness. maybe it ain't that cold. but i've just woke up. so i felt the cold. haha. but the sun is shining out there. i think it will be a hot day. a wonderful day to stay indoors, in a mall perhaps. but it's saturday. or maybe an air con room.
reviewed through those emails sent to me and those i've kept. nice emails i must say. haha. my selections. yup. and mostly were about love, about friends, about your attitude and stuffs. kind of helped me with reflecting on myself through these emails. sounds spastic. haha. but really. make me realise how full of shit i am. and far from being this saint we ought to be. haha.
yup. thanks for the email. grateful.
need to go get breakfast already. no breakfast, how to go on with the rest of the day? haha. hmm. the headache's coming. 'cause there's no breakfast. haha. okie okie. i'll go get something. geeezx.
this battle, i've lost.
and i'll never win again.
this is wrong.
this is not right.
radio is a nice companion.
almost perfect if there's no hissings.
the clouds today are nice.
i love clouds.
so nice!
heard on the radio yesterday.
a song.
with this particular lyrics.
bei ai shi xing fu, ai ren shi tong ku.
(being love by someone is a blessing, loving someone is hell of a pain.)
thought i saw it on someone's web but can't remember who's.
so i just put it here. so i can refer to it again.
sometime later.
breakfast here i come!
you are everything...
Friday, November 28, 2003

You are Orange.
You are outgoing and optomistic. You always try to
find the bright spot in everything. You are
energetic and people are naturally attracted to
you. However, you are not always sure of what
your purpose or goals are.
Most Compatible With: Fresh Mint
Which Tic-Tac Flavor Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
yaya... i know i know
You are Orange.
You are outgoing and optomistic. You always try to
find the bright spot in everything. You are
energetic and people are naturally attracted to
you. However, you are not always sure of what
your purpose or goals are.
Most Compatible With: Fresh Mint
Which Tic-Tac Flavor Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
yaya... i know i know
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
have been really sighing these few days. don't really know the reason. just feel like doing it. sigh. it helps relieve my body tension perhaps. haha. i don't know. hmm. is it unhealthy? i also don't know. seems like i don't know a lot of things in this world. but one thing's for sure. i am sighing really hard.
went out these couple of days. can't really stay at home. haha. actually, staying at home can be done. but having received requests to go out and i am not strong in rejecting people so i went out. broke. yes. broke i am. haha. but still went out. at least i still have pride. man's killer. one's killer. pride.
played pool today. felt really long since i actually held a cue stick. this long long thing you hold to strike the balls into the designated pockets. the rules is too long. haha. suddenly, lost interest in it. but i still win. haha. the skills never left me. but i was merely more like distracted by the people of the next table. haha. guess. make a brilliant and smart guess. you can do it. *winks*
you know? you had any idea? how boring is life. or rather. ever wondered how to make it interesting? haha. not saying i am thinking of this right now. this question just flashed past my brain. while i am typing. it shot past. not leaving a trace of its own as i forget about it as i end this sentence.
wondering how is everybody. wondering how is she. haha. is she doing fine? is she okay? is she hanging out with her friends? is she having problems? is she working? is she doing well? is she sick? how is she? just in the world. how is she? haha. okok. how are you then? are you doing well? i am not bias. HEHE.
it's a story about a boy and his mother and his father. okay. the whole family. haha. the moral of the story is there. never give up that kinda thing if you know what i mean. haha. this stupid turtle story is getting right there into my brain. never will i forget it. but i think i will by tomorrow. haha. so no point right? but. at least i did bother to think through it for a few hours. haha. so there's still point in doing so.
thanks for the emails ya. thanks for almost everything. this is a good place to thank anybody, everybody without having to give a present. haha.
you know?
you are nice.
you know?
the sky today is nice.
you know?
i doubt.
you know?
you never know.
you know?
going to miss you so.
you know?
i love clouds.
take care.
questions are better to be left alone,not-to-be answered.
wo ai ni wo ai ni wo ai ni wo ai ni...
have been really sighing these few days. don't really know the reason. just feel like doing it. sigh. it helps relieve my body tension perhaps. haha. i don't know. hmm. is it unhealthy? i also don't know. seems like i don't know a lot of things in this world. but one thing's for sure. i am sighing really hard.
went out these couple of days. can't really stay at home. haha. actually, staying at home can be done. but having received requests to go out and i am not strong in rejecting people so i went out. broke. yes. broke i am. haha. but still went out. at least i still have pride. man's killer. one's killer. pride.
played pool today. felt really long since i actually held a cue stick. this long long thing you hold to strike the balls into the designated pockets. the rules is too long. haha. suddenly, lost interest in it. but i still win. haha. the skills never left me. but i was merely more like distracted by the people of the next table. haha. guess. make a brilliant and smart guess. you can do it. *winks*
you know? you had any idea? how boring is life. or rather. ever wondered how to make it interesting? haha. not saying i am thinking of this right now. this question just flashed past my brain. while i am typing. it shot past. not leaving a trace of its own as i forget about it as i end this sentence.
wondering how is everybody. wondering how is she. haha. is she doing fine? is she okay? is she hanging out with her friends? is she having problems? is she working? is she doing well? is she sick? how is she? just in the world. how is she? haha. okok. how are you then? are you doing well? i am not bias. HEHE.
it's a story about a boy and his mother and his father. okay. the whole family. haha. the moral of the story is there. never give up that kinda thing if you know what i mean. haha. this stupid turtle story is getting right there into my brain. never will i forget it. but i think i will by tomorrow. haha. so no point right? but. at least i did bother to think through it for a few hours. haha. so there's still point in doing so.
thanks for the emails ya. thanks for almost everything. this is a good place to thank anybody, everybody without having to give a present. haha.
you know?
you are nice.
you know?
the sky today is nice.
you know?
i doubt.
you know?
you never know.
you know?
going to miss you so.
you know?
i love clouds.
take care.
questions are better to be left alone,not-to-be answered.
wo ai ni wo ai ni wo ai ni wo ai ni...
Sunday, November 23, 2003
new post
yup. a new post. a new sunday. a new monday. and a new week starting soon. thinking about next week. kind of erm... happening. haha. actually, nothing much lar. so erm. ya. nothing much. haha.
haunting memories.
the scorching stupid sun.
a comforting fact.
the clouds are there.
slept for a whole day.
hoping for a miracle.
pleading for money to drop from the sky.
maybe a job.
maybe not.
take care.
don't fall sick.
don't ever be mad at someone.
no point.
at all.
i need you... i want you.. chicacherrycola
yup. a new post. a new sunday. a new monday. and a new week starting soon. thinking about next week. kind of erm... happening. haha. actually, nothing much lar. so erm. ya. nothing much. haha.
haunting memories.
the scorching stupid sun.
a comforting fact.
the clouds are there.
slept for a whole day.
hoping for a miracle.
pleading for money to drop from the sky.
maybe a job.
maybe not.
take care.
don't fall sick.
don't ever be mad at someone.
no point.
at all.
i need you... i want you.. chicacherrycola
Friday, November 21, 2003
hey! there! i'm back typing. haha. haven't been typing because i had no motivation to do so. well, seems to have no point. but today. yes. this special day. the day which i think will rain for one whole day. haha. that i am going to type. today felt real cool. or rather. abit cold. i love cold days. preferred. not hot days. i never like. haha.
let's see. a few days back. what was i doing? what happened to me? i think i better type it out here. since i am not going to tell anyone. since no one cares. so maybe i just type them out here. maybe some kind soul will just take a peek. and wonder. what is this so and so doing? haha.
monday i was at home. i believe i blogged on that day. that day was okay. haha. tuesday. hmm. i went out with my friends. we decided to head down to town. called a couple of people. rejections from those working people. but my buddy manage to get one relunctant party out. didn't really know how he did it. but. he did it. haha. so four of us, all guys, yes, 100% guys, went out. haha. to town.
much discussion amongst us. of corx. everyone of them was busy with work. okay. except me. haha. they talked about work and i listened. pooor me. no work. can't really share any thing with them. but i would just listen to wad have they been through those days they were working. i would just sit there and listen. half the time hoping a change of topic i can participate with. but. never mind la. haha.
town was boring. it's cool on that day too. the floor was slippery. haha. walk around. feel around. look around. haha. peek at girls? nono. we don't do that. haha. we are guys. but we hardly engage in such activities. oh no.
wad did we do after that? someone suggested he needed adidas shoes. any idea where to get cheap ones? haha. of course. where else except lavender that bridge road place. haha. ya ya. fakes. so what? once worn abit covered by the loose fit jeans. that's it. a fake almost real. haha. and it's cheap. the original price divided by three. haha. that's the difference. yup yup.
those shoes really look great. i can tell you. definitely look great. haha. okok. what's next? we went to this guy's house to have an overnight stay. do the usual stuffs when u stay overnight. haha. sorry for the trouble! and thanks for the stay. haha. it's cool and it's fun.
my week. thursday was nothing. nothing at all. hot weather. freaking day. HEADache ar. cannot bear with it. keep wacking head with pillow. and apply ice. serious headache. hais. but still, thursdays sucks. actually wednesday too. but i slept through it. so it's not much of a problem already.
today. yes. today. right now. haha. the rain is pouring gently down. everyone could feel the chill. ok. if you are working today. you are definitely missing out a perfect day for a good sleep. cold days. i love it. although no clouds. or hardly any white ones. they are still nice. comforting. haha. the breeze. there's no need for air cons or fans. they are close to perfect. without the rain. never like wet wet weathers. spoils the day infact. haha.
take care when you are out there. people meant no harm. but once close, they are dangerous. once far, they poses little threat. if ya know what i am implying. haha. of corx u do? don't you. HEHE.
i wonder. what made you have that concept? hmm. i wanted to ask you. but nvm la. somehow i feel that you are not going to be responsive. so i see no point in talking to you. you always sound so not interested. so i just don't want to be bothered with you anymore. you never seem to care also mah. so what's the point? but i will still be there for you. haha.
coooling man...
where are the clouds?
i love clouds
take care.
if it's just the weather, it's just the weather...
hey! there! i'm back typing. haha. haven't been typing because i had no motivation to do so. well, seems to have no point. but today. yes. this special day. the day which i think will rain for one whole day. haha. that i am going to type. today felt real cool. or rather. abit cold. i love cold days. preferred. not hot days. i never like. haha.
let's see. a few days back. what was i doing? what happened to me? i think i better type it out here. since i am not going to tell anyone. since no one cares. so maybe i just type them out here. maybe some kind soul will just take a peek. and wonder. what is this so and so doing? haha.
monday i was at home. i believe i blogged on that day. that day was okay. haha. tuesday. hmm. i went out with my friends. we decided to head down to town. called a couple of people. rejections from those working people. but my buddy manage to get one relunctant party out. didn't really know how he did it. but. he did it. haha. so four of us, all guys, yes, 100% guys, went out. haha. to town.
much discussion amongst us. of corx. everyone of them was busy with work. okay. except me. haha. they talked about work and i listened. pooor me. no work. can't really share any thing with them. but i would just listen to wad have they been through those days they were working. i would just sit there and listen. half the time hoping a change of topic i can participate with. but. never mind la. haha.
town was boring. it's cool on that day too. the floor was slippery. haha. walk around. feel around. look around. haha. peek at girls? nono. we don't do that. haha. we are guys. but we hardly engage in such activities. oh no.
wad did we do after that? someone suggested he needed adidas shoes. any idea where to get cheap ones? haha. of course. where else except lavender that bridge road place. haha. ya ya. fakes. so what? once worn abit covered by the loose fit jeans. that's it. a fake almost real. haha. and it's cheap. the original price divided by three. haha. that's the difference. yup yup.
those shoes really look great. i can tell you. definitely look great. haha. okok. what's next? we went to this guy's house to have an overnight stay. do the usual stuffs when u stay overnight. haha. sorry for the trouble! and thanks for the stay. haha. it's cool and it's fun.
my week. thursday was nothing. nothing at all. hot weather. freaking day. HEADache ar. cannot bear with it. keep wacking head with pillow. and apply ice. serious headache. hais. but still, thursdays sucks. actually wednesday too. but i slept through it. so it's not much of a problem already.
today. yes. today. right now. haha. the rain is pouring gently down. everyone could feel the chill. ok. if you are working today. you are definitely missing out a perfect day for a good sleep. cold days. i love it. although no clouds. or hardly any white ones. they are still nice. comforting. haha. the breeze. there's no need for air cons or fans. they are close to perfect. without the rain. never like wet wet weathers. spoils the day infact. haha.
take care when you are out there. people meant no harm. but once close, they are dangerous. once far, they poses little threat. if ya know what i am implying. haha. of corx u do? don't you. HEHE.
i wonder. what made you have that concept? hmm. i wanted to ask you. but nvm la. somehow i feel that you are not going to be responsive. so i see no point in talking to you. you always sound so not interested. so i just don't want to be bothered with you anymore. you never seem to care also mah. so what's the point? but i will still be there for you. haha.
coooling man...
where are the clouds?
i love clouds
take care.
if it's just the weather, it's just the weather...

You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
it's just that... not me...
You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves
your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling
he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss
that never lessens and always blows your
partner away like the first time.
What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
it's just that... not me...
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
a lonely season

find your inner PIE @ stvlive.com
pathetically tired.
take care
if it's really you...
find your inner PIE @ stvlive.com
pathetically tired.
take care
if it's really you...
Monday, November 17, 2003
no strings attached
YO! just woke up. haha. by the sound of vacuum cleaner. mum doing her chores. hmm. and she mopped the floor. can't go anywhere until the floor dried up so i decided to type. haha. i can't talk. not because i lost my voice or whatever. it's just that. there's no one i can talk to. i want to talk to my mum. she's just too busy. haha.
i guess today will be just another day. i'm going to stay at home. or maybe later going out. not too sure either. i walk a step and count ''1''. haha. on a dillema right now. can't really figure what's wrong. or maybe. something is right. but i just don't know what. hmm.
yesterday was fun. haha. had a hair cut and went to my friend's BBQ at East Coast. damn wasn't it fun. haha. and er... time flies yesterday. except during the hair cut. haha. it was long. and then the party was great! haha. got cake and those usual stuffs. drank quite a number of cups. sorrrrry. haha. threw the Birthday boy right into the sea. haha. it's fun. and gosh~ full of sand and sea water. din get to ton. but! get to take a cab home. it was nice. haha. =X
people are getting busier every week. or rather. day by day. this is shit. i am so bored. haha. some people got chalet la. some people got this trip that trip. MOST people got work la. haha. but nvm la. i'm broke. haha. can't really go out much too. think about it. a simple equation. go out = money being spent + fatigue. not very worth it is it? haha.
colours. wonderful ain't they? they filled our world in the day and at night. many doesn't realise it. most abused it and relating it to money. others just go ''hmm... what about it?'' and some really enthu people just go '' WOW.'' haha. i mean. let's get real. colours ain't going to earn you big bucks. but they are nice. especially the whites and blues of the sky. but
the bottomline is
i love clouds.
take care.
it takes a few seconds to notice...
YO! just woke up. haha. by the sound of vacuum cleaner. mum doing her chores. hmm. and she mopped the floor. can't go anywhere until the floor dried up so i decided to type. haha. i can't talk. not because i lost my voice or whatever. it's just that. there's no one i can talk to. i want to talk to my mum. she's just too busy. haha.
i guess today will be just another day. i'm going to stay at home. or maybe later going out. not too sure either. i walk a step and count ''1''. haha. on a dillema right now. can't really figure what's wrong. or maybe. something is right. but i just don't know what. hmm.
yesterday was fun. haha. had a hair cut and went to my friend's BBQ at East Coast. damn wasn't it fun. haha. and er... time flies yesterday. except during the hair cut. haha. it was long. and then the party was great! haha. got cake and those usual stuffs. drank quite a number of cups. sorrrrry. haha. threw the Birthday boy right into the sea. haha. it's fun. and gosh~ full of sand and sea water. din get to ton. but! get to take a cab home. it was nice. haha. =X
people are getting busier every week. or rather. day by day. this is shit. i am so bored. haha. some people got chalet la. some people got this trip that trip. MOST people got work la. haha. but nvm la. i'm broke. haha. can't really go out much too. think about it. a simple equation. go out = money being spent + fatigue. not very worth it is it? haha.
colours. wonderful ain't they? they filled our world in the day and at night. many doesn't realise it. most abused it and relating it to money. others just go ''hmm... what about it?'' and some really enthu people just go '' WOW.'' haha. i mean. let's get real. colours ain't going to earn you big bucks. but they are nice. especially the whites and blues of the sky. but
the bottomline is
i love clouds.
take care.
it takes a few seconds to notice...
Friday, November 14, 2003
when you don't want to wake up
yup. today's the day. the day when i don't want to wake up. haha. don't know about you people out there. but it's me. for some unknown reasons, i just don't want to wake up this morning. but i did. i woke up like 11am? actually i stood up and went for a pee at 9am. but i just couldn't be bothered with those ''eh? so early today?'' and i just went back to sleep till 11am.
yes. those sms are fantastic sleep killers. haha. kill off your sleep. or is it mine ain't polyphonic? so they sound rather sharp to the ear. and that's it. i've been awaken. haha.
did nothing much today. or. should i say. nothing at all. haha. well, played games the whole day. in front of the television and maybe sometimes the computer. at times i went out for a quick lunch. so, it is almost equivilant to nothing at all being done. haha.
but! yes. but! yesterday was a great day. yes. it's a great day yesterday. hang out with my buddy ya~ haha. walk alot. or rather. stand alot. legs ain't tired at all. i don't know why. haha. don't ask me. just not tired. had fun. at least. better than being at home. home can be fun only if i miss it. haha. that's it.
it rained today. the rain that caused me several troubles. first, i had to eat my lunch under a block. alone. haha. great? nah. it was a shitty lunch. at first was planning to go home to have it. but the rain. so just finish it up under the block. what an experience i must say. haha. then what a coincidence. saw my sister with her heavy luggage. haha. guess it's the last day of school and she had to carry whatever she put in school back home. and gosh~ i had to help her carry her stuffs home. luckily, i had my lunch already. haha. goodness~ those things are heavy.
loners ain't loners. they just thought they are lonely. however, if they actually took the effort to think. yes. i mean really. think. squeeze those juices and think. they have alot alot alot of people around them. but how many of them are loners willling to talk to? interract. haha. maybe loners just ain't not ready to make friends. that makes them loners. and it is not other people doesn't wish to be their friend. everyone has friend and everyone need one. loners just condemned themselves from this world. and that sucks. haha. loners sucks.
i suck too.
it's just... i'm missing you...
yup. today's the day. the day when i don't want to wake up. haha. don't know about you people out there. but it's me. for some unknown reasons, i just don't want to wake up this morning. but i did. i woke up like 11am? actually i stood up and went for a pee at 9am. but i just couldn't be bothered with those ''eh? so early today?'' and i just went back to sleep till 11am.
yes. those sms are fantastic sleep killers. haha. kill off your sleep. or is it mine ain't polyphonic? so they sound rather sharp to the ear. and that's it. i've been awaken. haha.
did nothing much today. or. should i say. nothing at all. haha. well, played games the whole day. in front of the television and maybe sometimes the computer. at times i went out for a quick lunch. so, it is almost equivilant to nothing at all being done. haha.
but! yes. but! yesterday was a great day. yes. it's a great day yesterday. hang out with my buddy ya~ haha. walk alot. or rather. stand alot. legs ain't tired at all. i don't know why. haha. don't ask me. just not tired. had fun. at least. better than being at home. home can be fun only if i miss it. haha. that's it.
it rained today. the rain that caused me several troubles. first, i had to eat my lunch under a block. alone. haha. great? nah. it was a shitty lunch. at first was planning to go home to have it. but the rain. so just finish it up under the block. what an experience i must say. haha. then what a coincidence. saw my sister with her heavy luggage. haha. guess it's the last day of school and she had to carry whatever she put in school back home. and gosh~ i had to help her carry her stuffs home. luckily, i had my lunch already. haha. goodness~ those things are heavy.
loners ain't loners. they just thought they are lonely. however, if they actually took the effort to think. yes. i mean really. think. squeeze those juices and think. they have alot alot alot of people around them. but how many of them are loners willling to talk to? interract. haha. maybe loners just ain't not ready to make friends. that makes them loners. and it is not other people doesn't wish to be their friend. everyone has friend and everyone need one. loners just condemned themselves from this world. and that sucks. haha. loners sucks.
i suck too.
it's just... i'm missing you...
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
it's out there
everything is out there. yup. everything. haha. what i have in here is so freaking limited. really. very limited. haha. what i need is forever out there in that big world. it's up for me. and only me. to grab hold of things out there. okok. maybe i need a help from all of you beautiful people. but where are you guys? gosh~
today's okay okay. the sun rise. i woke up. ate breakfast and stuffs. watch tv. and just simply rest on the chair. haha. woke up suddenly. me, do not know the reason. maybe it's the scorching sun. maybe it's the neighbour. freaking neighbours. haha. hmm. don't know. but the bottomline is. it's just another day.
i never think today. i hardly moved today. this body is aching with the two enormous hurting blisters. haha. haiya. nvm la. no one cares also. and i mean. NOONE. yes. =)
sometimes i just lost track of what i am typing and i just go on and on and on. this is bad. i ain't thinking when i am typing. or i am thinking too much when i am typing. i typed testimonials. and i've lost track of what i typed. and i just clicked ''add''. what is wrong? haha. maybe it's because of the stupid box being so small or just another lack of focus of me. i don't know.
the blisters are still there. bloody red. and they hurt. haha.
the mp3s are playing. i don't know the songs. but i know i enjoyed them. music with no heavy drums or cymbals. just music. no vocals. just music. haha. dum dum dum...
it's been recently. and i mean recently. i found out i carried such enormous attitude problem. sigh. i didn't even realise that until someone told me. haha. i looked like i deserve a wacking or just beat me to death kinda thing when i make comments or when i say something. true enough. i take it. and i swear. i will try to improve this lousy attitude of mine. haha. but really. sorry. haha. i really didn't know.
well, typed so much. not saying i need a rest. but the tv's show on.
still, no job.
hardly speak a word today. but typed thousands of them.
in need of help.
they say you are full of attitude, i think i am full of SHIT...
everything is out there. yup. everything. haha. what i have in here is so freaking limited. really. very limited. haha. what i need is forever out there in that big world. it's up for me. and only me. to grab hold of things out there. okok. maybe i need a help from all of you beautiful people. but where are you guys? gosh~
today's okay okay. the sun rise. i woke up. ate breakfast and stuffs. watch tv. and just simply rest on the chair. haha. woke up suddenly. me, do not know the reason. maybe it's the scorching sun. maybe it's the neighbour. freaking neighbours. haha. hmm. don't know. but the bottomline is. it's just another day.
i never think today. i hardly moved today. this body is aching with the two enormous hurting blisters. haha. haiya. nvm la. no one cares also. and i mean. NOONE. yes. =)
sometimes i just lost track of what i am typing and i just go on and on and on. this is bad. i ain't thinking when i am typing. or i am thinking too much when i am typing. i typed testimonials. and i've lost track of what i typed. and i just clicked ''add''. what is wrong? haha. maybe it's because of the stupid box being so small or just another lack of focus of me. i don't know.
the blisters are still there. bloody red. and they hurt. haha.
the mp3s are playing. i don't know the songs. but i know i enjoyed them. music with no heavy drums or cymbals. just music. no vocals. just music. haha. dum dum dum...
it's been recently. and i mean recently. i found out i carried such enormous attitude problem. sigh. i didn't even realise that until someone told me. haha. i looked like i deserve a wacking or just beat me to death kinda thing when i make comments or when i say something. true enough. i take it. and i swear. i will try to improve this lousy attitude of mine. haha. but really. sorry. haha. i really didn't know.
well, typed so much. not saying i need a rest. but the tv's show on.
still, no job.
hardly speak a word today. but typed thousands of them.
in need of help.
they say you are full of attitude, i think i am full of SHIT...
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
here it goes
what a surprise. i fall asleep yesterday at what time? 4? 5? i don't know. and i woke up at 7.30am this morning. something is wrong. haha. maybe i don't really need that much sleep. bacause i just don't feel tired mentally and physically. not like people who worked or whatsoever, they are just so busy in the so called holiday of theirs. while i am wasting days. this is shit.
played soccer. 8am to somewhat seems like 12 noon when i reach home. shagged. god. had two superb blisters. again. yes. again. god damn blisters. they hurt. and this time. they really hurt. damn painful. haha. must be those shoes i think. people say it's the socks. i didn't really pay much attention to what they say. i played and i hurt myself. haha. then i bathe and i ate something that spells as porridge and i fell asleep. for once, i felt tired. really. tired. and i slept till that Holland V music started. gosh~ it's 7pm. and the rest followed. hais.
look for a job? maybe? maybe not. i don't carry much luck in this particular field of something. haha. or maybe is it because of me not trying hard enough? i keep thinking this is a holiday? perhaps. there is every point to get work. everyone else is working. why shouldn't i ? hais. i feel useless already. depression will take place sooner or later. haha.
don't know lar. i really don't know. haha. pacing around with an empty mind. people are working leh. cannot call them out. haha. if not, they are bound to be busy with something. studies, work, whatever la. getting nowhere am i. haha.
really don't know lar.
suppose to enjoy this so called holiday de.
don't give a damn fucking shit.
it's another day, another day, another day...
what a surprise. i fall asleep yesterday at what time? 4? 5? i don't know. and i woke up at 7.30am this morning. something is wrong. haha. maybe i don't really need that much sleep. bacause i just don't feel tired mentally and physically. not like people who worked or whatsoever, they are just so busy in the so called holiday of theirs. while i am wasting days. this is shit.
played soccer. 8am to somewhat seems like 12 noon when i reach home. shagged. god. had two superb blisters. again. yes. again. god damn blisters. they hurt. and this time. they really hurt. damn painful. haha. must be those shoes i think. people say it's the socks. i didn't really pay much attention to what they say. i played and i hurt myself. haha. then i bathe and i ate something that spells as porridge and i fell asleep. for once, i felt tired. really. tired. and i slept till that Holland V music started. gosh~ it's 7pm. and the rest followed. hais.
look for a job? maybe? maybe not. i don't carry much luck in this particular field of something. haha. or maybe is it because of me not trying hard enough? i keep thinking this is a holiday? perhaps. there is every point to get work. everyone else is working. why shouldn't i ? hais. i feel useless already. depression will take place sooner or later. haha.
don't know lar. i really don't know. haha. pacing around with an empty mind. people are working leh. cannot call them out. haha. if not, they are bound to be busy with something. studies, work, whatever la. getting nowhere am i. haha.
really don't know lar.
suppose to enjoy this so called holiday de.
don't give a damn fucking shit.
it's another day, another day, another day...
Sunday, November 09, 2003
not as simple as it seems
yesterday was saturday. today is sunday. tomorrow will be monday. the day before saturday is friday. and i've start counting my days. definitely not going to like tomorrrow. why? simply because it's monday. mondays sucks. they never rules or rocks. unless there is something nice going on. something really nice, close to exciting would be great. haha. not saying watching movie is nice. but who you watch with that creates the whole new feeling. and of course, the movie itself must be good to bring out the feeling. haha.
saturday? oh. yesterday. it's okay. watched The Matrix: Revolutions. Kinda crappy. or it is really that crappy. not sure though. it has a journey to the west fighting scenes and a jesus christ ending. yesh. neo died like jesus. although the cross wasn't obvious. haha. good day. great day.
sunday is today. my mother making a superbly great fuss about the mess in my room. it's not messy to me. but it is to her. insisting to wake me up from the sleep and asking me to shift here and there. as the irritating vacuum cleaner sucks, i am still not willing to accept all these changes. haha. i just went out of the room. watch tv. and grab my breakfast. guess nothing is going to happen today. it's going be like this. no going today. not using no money as an excuse. just that i'm feeling out today. wierd. haha.
it looks like it will rain. the clouds. the smell of the air. no difference though. but still, i think it will rain. not because my leg hurts. haha. but my head hurts abit. giddy. haha. hmm. it just like one of those days. that you don't want to get up. you want to stay down. and perhaps. lying on the bed. if. there's a window. just look out. look at how the clouds float past the grids of your window. think. how did the clouds manage to do that? did they chose to do that? or is it because of the wind above? am i the cloud? waiting to be moved? or am i the wind. moving people. haha.
i love clouds...
yesterday was saturday. today is sunday. tomorrow will be monday. the day before saturday is friday. and i've start counting my days. definitely not going to like tomorrrow. why? simply because it's monday. mondays sucks. they never rules or rocks. unless there is something nice going on. something really nice, close to exciting would be great. haha. not saying watching movie is nice. but who you watch with that creates the whole new feeling. and of course, the movie itself must be good to bring out the feeling. haha.
saturday? oh. yesterday. it's okay. watched The Matrix: Revolutions. Kinda crappy. or it is really that crappy. not sure though. it has a journey to the west fighting scenes and a jesus christ ending. yesh. neo died like jesus. although the cross wasn't obvious. haha. good day. great day.
sunday is today. my mother making a superbly great fuss about the mess in my room. it's not messy to me. but it is to her. insisting to wake me up from the sleep and asking me to shift here and there. as the irritating vacuum cleaner sucks, i am still not willing to accept all these changes. haha. i just went out of the room. watch tv. and grab my breakfast. guess nothing is going to happen today. it's going be like this. no going today. not using no money as an excuse. just that i'm feeling out today. wierd. haha.
it looks like it will rain. the clouds. the smell of the air. no difference though. but still, i think it will rain. not because my leg hurts. haha. but my head hurts abit. giddy. haha. hmm. it just like one of those days. that you don't want to get up. you want to stay down. and perhaps. lying on the bed. if. there's a window. just look out. look at how the clouds float past the grids of your window. think. how did the clouds manage to do that? did they chose to do that? or is it because of the wind above? am i the cloud? waiting to be moved? or am i the wind. moving people. haha.
i love clouds...
Friday, November 07, 2003
it's the only one
yup. it's all over. four days of examination. four weeks of preparation. haha. okay okay. not four weeks. maybe just one week. and that's the study week. haha. it's over now. and i'm glad that it's over. now. great. because of no exam to study for. i've got nothing better to do. haha. this is great.
let's see. it's going to be longer hours of sleep. longer hours of television. longer hours of play. or should it be. all play and no work? no. it shouldn't be. i must go find something serious to do. a hobby? a job? anything. haha. maybe just visits to the library or somewhere.
nothing has been happening this couple of days. since i last posted. nothing great happened. it's so normal around my life. i'm not expecting anything exciting or anything unusual. i need sparks. big lively sparks in my life. i keep telling myself. it's hard.
there's no point. it may seem. yes i agree. no point at all. it makes me think. so what? why do i think? what's the point behind me thinking? is it going to help? i don't really know. and i don't think so. it's i know or i don't know. i prefer i don't know. ignorance is bliss as you get older. trust me.
not really say i am old. i am older. but not that old. i don't wish to die. i don't want to die. i fear death. but i know. i must die. one day. tomorrow perhaps? look on the bright side. *piakz* maybe i die. people will miss me. tears drops for me. people will start to realise that there's is this person existing on earth. and that's me. but. come to think about it. how many of you will miss me? how many of you will cry. none? that's saddening. that's why. i don't want to die. and maybe i see no point in my death.
this is getting no where.
what's the point?
where's the point?
what point?
no point.
it's amazing to know, you are here... i am there... by your side...
yup. it's all over. four days of examination. four weeks of preparation. haha. okay okay. not four weeks. maybe just one week. and that's the study week. haha. it's over now. and i'm glad that it's over. now. great. because of no exam to study for. i've got nothing better to do. haha. this is great.
let's see. it's going to be longer hours of sleep. longer hours of television. longer hours of play. or should it be. all play and no work? no. it shouldn't be. i must go find something serious to do. a hobby? a job? anything. haha. maybe just visits to the library or somewhere.
nothing has been happening this couple of days. since i last posted. nothing great happened. it's so normal around my life. i'm not expecting anything exciting or anything unusual. i need sparks. big lively sparks in my life. i keep telling myself. it's hard.
there's no point. it may seem. yes i agree. no point at all. it makes me think. so what? why do i think? what's the point behind me thinking? is it going to help? i don't really know. and i don't think so. it's i know or i don't know. i prefer i don't know. ignorance is bliss as you get older. trust me.
not really say i am old. i am older. but not that old. i don't wish to die. i don't want to die. i fear death. but i know. i must die. one day. tomorrow perhaps? look on the bright side. *piakz* maybe i die. people will miss me. tears drops for me. people will start to realise that there's is this person existing on earth. and that's me. but. come to think about it. how many of you will miss me? how many of you will cry. none? that's saddening. that's why. i don't want to die. and maybe i see no point in my death.
this is getting no where.
what's the point?
where's the point?
what point?
no point.
it's amazing to know, you are here... i am there... by your side...
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
insatiable desire
one more to go! haha. tomorrow's paper is Computer Systems. great paper because it's the last paper. bad paper because this subject too many facts le! haha. what to do. computer exists so many so many, and i mean, so many freaking darn years. god damn it.
yup yup. going to study computer systems soon. can't afford the time. i know i'm going to sleep early again. wake up late again. and no time to read anything or memorise anything. hais.
the rain poured down hard. the wind is cold. too cold. she squats there. her fair hands. hardly any signs of rough work on it. no coarse lines. her fair hands stroking the kittens. gentle it seems. gentle it is. lovely it seems. lovely it is. wet is she. no shelter.
the rain continued to pour. harshly.
i need to talk more... it seems....
one more to go! haha. tomorrow's paper is Computer Systems. great paper because it's the last paper. bad paper because this subject too many facts le! haha. what to do. computer exists so many so many, and i mean, so many freaking darn years. god damn it.
yup yup. going to study computer systems soon. can't afford the time. i know i'm going to sleep early again. wake up late again. and no time to read anything or memorise anything. hais.
the rain poured down hard. the wind is cold. too cold. she squats there. her fair hands. hardly any signs of rough work on it. no coarse lines. her fair hands stroking the kittens. gentle it seems. gentle it is. lovely it seems. lovely it is. wet is she. no shelter.
the rain continued to pour. harshly.
i need to talk more... it seems....
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
it doesn't need to be this way
two down. two more to go. yup yup. the examinations. god damn it. Business Accounting was yesterday. Macroeconomics is today. Tomorrow, there's the Internet and Infomation System in Organisation. the day after tomorrow, there's the Computer Systems. oh gosh~ the last two papers is two hours each! shit.
Accounting and MacroEcons was considerably hard. haha. not sure of what i have answered. often pondered when others are discussing answers. did i really write that? is there such a question? what's my answer? how did i answer? what did i write as my answer? it seem so different from what the others have discussed. some were glad they know. some were left unsure. i was left untouched.
it's crazy i tell you. it's totally crazy. secrets are no more secrets. they are popping out one by one. i am going to hear all the secrets soon. haha. no doubts on that. are secrets no longer considered as secrets this century? where are the rights? oh god~
arcade has never been this fun. discover things i would never expect to discover in arcades. haha. the freaky tokens. the freaking cards. the always-not-so-coorperative joystick. the god-damn-it-always-spoilt buttons. but still, enjoyed the fun. haha. so cute man. haha. errr... =P
study study study study study study study study study study study study study study
that's what i'm going to do now.
maybe later.
take care!
argh~ PAIN!
two down. two more to go. yup yup. the examinations. god damn it. Business Accounting was yesterday. Macroeconomics is today. Tomorrow, there's the Internet and Infomation System in Organisation. the day after tomorrow, there's the Computer Systems. oh gosh~ the last two papers is two hours each! shit.
Accounting and MacroEcons was considerably hard. haha. not sure of what i have answered. often pondered when others are discussing answers. did i really write that? is there such a question? what's my answer? how did i answer? what did i write as my answer? it seem so different from what the others have discussed. some were glad they know. some were left unsure. i was left untouched.
it's crazy i tell you. it's totally crazy. secrets are no more secrets. they are popping out one by one. i am going to hear all the secrets soon. haha. no doubts on that. are secrets no longer considered as secrets this century? where are the rights? oh god~
arcade has never been this fun. discover things i would never expect to discover in arcades. haha. the freaky tokens. the freaking cards. the always-not-so-coorperative joystick. the god-damn-it-always-spoilt buttons. but still, enjoyed the fun. haha. so cute man. haha. errr... =P
study study study study study study study study study study study study study study
that's what i'm going to do now.
maybe later.
take care!
argh~ PAIN!
Monday, November 03, 2003
Sunday, November 02, 2003
never had this feeling before
woke up with a runny nose today. argh~ feeling damn sick. but i told myself that i must study today. haha. i never believed last minute work pays off. but i always believe how much you get back is equivilant to how much hard work you want to put in. so last minute work is still work done. so i am expecting results. haha.
what does the sky today want? the sun is up there. it's usual routine. going up, providing unncessary heat, and going down. but the rain keeps coming down. the on and off. half cold half hot. argh~ making feel worse. how to study in such an environment? but i did.
finally, i felt better. the nose stopped running. i decided to take a nap. or rather i need a nap. haha. so i took one. a mistake i must say. as i woke up. the runny nose is back! felt like a flu already! god~ save me. if only he could. puhlease...
yup yup. tomorrow's the first day of everything. it's a monday. god damn it. i hate mondays. tomorrow's my first paper of the exams ya... Business Accounting 1. crazy subject at first i thought. never like it. and never will. i just can't be bothered to study for it. haha. i see no point.
didn't had a good sleep over the night. and when will i ever have one? i am thinking really really hard. there's always a dream. there's always a nightmare. there's always something or someone in my sleep. not excluding my previous sleep. argh~ i want a peaceful sleep. all the way. from the moment i fell aslp. just let me drop dead till the next morning, awaken by some sickening alarm or anything. *pray* like it will help. although i know there won't be any effect, but it brings about some hope.
feeling mixed up le leh. academic wise. haha. don't know why must this be like this. that be like that. why cannot this be like that. that be like this lei ? hmm... don't tell me it's like this. god damn it.
yes yes yes. i know i know. i won't do it again.
i care.
yes. i know.
i won't do it again.
*cover ear* god damn it.
seriously, i missed you. but too bad...
woke up with a runny nose today. argh~ feeling damn sick. but i told myself that i must study today. haha. i never believed last minute work pays off. but i always believe how much you get back is equivilant to how much hard work you want to put in. so last minute work is still work done. so i am expecting results. haha.
what does the sky today want? the sun is up there. it's usual routine. going up, providing unncessary heat, and going down. but the rain keeps coming down. the on and off. half cold half hot. argh~ making feel worse. how to study in such an environment? but i did.
finally, i felt better. the nose stopped running. i decided to take a nap. or rather i need a nap. haha. so i took one. a mistake i must say. as i woke up. the runny nose is back! felt like a flu already! god~ save me. if only he could. puhlease...
yup yup. tomorrow's the first day of everything. it's a monday. god damn it. i hate mondays. tomorrow's my first paper of the exams ya... Business Accounting 1. crazy subject at first i thought. never like it. and never will. i just can't be bothered to study for it. haha. i see no point.
didn't had a good sleep over the night. and when will i ever have one? i am thinking really really hard. there's always a dream. there's always a nightmare. there's always something or someone in my sleep. not excluding my previous sleep. argh~ i want a peaceful sleep. all the way. from the moment i fell aslp. just let me drop dead till the next morning, awaken by some sickening alarm or anything. *pray* like it will help. although i know there won't be any effect, but it brings about some hope.
feeling mixed up le leh. academic wise. haha. don't know why must this be like this. that be like that. why cannot this be like that. that be like this lei ? hmm... don't tell me it's like this. god damn it.
yes yes yes. i know i know. i won't do it again.
i care.
yes. i know.
i won't do it again.
*cover ear* god damn it.
seriously, i missed you. but too bad...
Saturday, November 01, 2003
mistake? defined as an action, decision or judgment which produces an unwanted or unintentional result. haha. what a long defination for a 7 letter word. yet, i believe i've made alot of it already. do ya agree? haha.
i say something. it's a mistake. i do something. it's a mistake. i read something. it's a mistake. i never do something. it's a mistake. i never read something. it's a mistake. i know you. is that a mistake? i never talk to you. is that a mistake? i never cared on the outside. is that a mistake? i never studied. is that a mistake? i am typing here. is that a mistake?
that's it... =...(
mistake? defined as an action, decision or judgment which produces an unwanted or unintentional result. haha. what a long defination for a 7 letter word. yet, i believe i've made alot of it already. do ya agree? haha.
i say something. it's a mistake. i do something. it's a mistake. i read something. it's a mistake. i never do something. it's a mistake. i never read something. it's a mistake. i know you. is that a mistake? i never talk to you. is that a mistake? i never cared on the outside. is that a mistake? i never studied. is that a mistake? i am typing here. is that a mistake?
that's it... =...(
too bad
you pulled the trolley which has those dry ice effect around the trolley. no surprise. i guessed that you are going to promote some cold stuffs. indeed. it is ice cream. of all moments. why now ? can't you see the phone supported by my right hand to my right ear?
too bad lors. i had to interrupt you and rejected it. my apologies too. haha. felt bad lars. what to do. actually wanted to slam the door at her one. but didn't do it. but if you are promoting your product to someone on the phone. don't you find it funny? it's nothing. it's no point. not even a little bit constructive.
today's cold day. rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain
wanted to study
slept slept slept slept slept slept
glad to be able to somehow see you...
you pulled the trolley which has those dry ice effect around the trolley. no surprise. i guessed that you are going to promote some cold stuffs. indeed. it is ice cream. of all moments. why now ? can't you see the phone supported by my right hand to my right ear?
too bad lors. i had to interrupt you and rejected it. my apologies too. haha. felt bad lars. what to do. actually wanted to slam the door at her one. but didn't do it. but if you are promoting your product to someone on the phone. don't you find it funny? it's nothing. it's no point. not even a little bit constructive.
today's cold day. rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain
wanted to study
slept slept slept slept slept slept
glad to be able to somehow see you...
let's just talk
today's friday. what do you do on a friday? grab a few friends and hangout? haha. ya... grabbed a few friends out for study. learn somethings. old and new. the rest of the day was pretty neat. quite okay. almost similar to that of a rollar coaster ride. or rather. bus ride. haha. very long bus trips we took today man. it's totally.. craziness.
hmm. tried out friendster [blue_yuer@yahoo.com.sg]. wasn't really that great i suppose it to be. it simply lags from the connection here. yucks man. it totally make me lose interest in that lors. no point man. wait and wait. i tried to be patient. i did try. hais. trying wasn't enough.
from the way home. i reached inside my pocket as i scowled at the moonlight and of course, the moon. haha. took out 2 things. not to be named. haha. but i enjoyed what this 2 things can bring to me.
the moonlight. milky. haha. the dark clouds float past the moon. visible, covered, visible, covered....
walked home. saw cats chasing each other. fight? playing? not too sure. just hoped that they won't get me involved. haha. warm furry balls chasing each other under the moonlight. meow meow meow...
where did the dogs go? oh.. my estate here have no dogs. stray ones. ain't any. tamed ones? those at home? alot of them. i wonder why dogs are indoors and cats are outdoors.
keep it short.
stop here.
thought about you... lately...
today's friday. what do you do on a friday? grab a few friends and hangout? haha. ya... grabbed a few friends out for study. learn somethings. old and new. the rest of the day was pretty neat. quite okay. almost similar to that of a rollar coaster ride. or rather. bus ride. haha. very long bus trips we took today man. it's totally.. craziness.
hmm. tried out friendster [blue_yuer@yahoo.com.sg]. wasn't really that great i suppose it to be. it simply lags from the connection here. yucks man. it totally make me lose interest in that lors. no point man. wait and wait. i tried to be patient. i did try. hais. trying wasn't enough.
from the way home. i reached inside my pocket as i scowled at the moonlight and of course, the moon. haha. took out 2 things. not to be named. haha. but i enjoyed what this 2 things can bring to me.
the moonlight. milky. haha. the dark clouds float past the moon. visible, covered, visible, covered....
walked home. saw cats chasing each other. fight? playing? not too sure. just hoped that they won't get me involved. haha. warm furry balls chasing each other under the moonlight. meow meow meow...
where did the dogs go? oh.. my estate here have no dogs. stray ones. ain't any. tamed ones? those at home? alot of them. i wonder why dogs are indoors and cats are outdoors.
keep it short.
stop here.
thought about you... lately...
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